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Natives For Your Neighborhood Florida Statewide Plant List

Plants in Zip Code 33480

Below is a list of the cultivated native plants for this ZIP code. These plants, all within their natural ranges in this geographic area, are appropriate for use in landscaping here. By planting these native species, you can not only create a low-maintenance and sustainable landscape to enjoy, but you will also increase your contribution to the conservation and restoration of Florida’s environment. (For more on this, click here.)

To take gardening with natives a step further, you can learn about the native plant habitats that are appropriate for your area (click the back button to view a list of those habitats where available). As of 2022, these lists are available for South Florida and for some coastal upland ecosystems along the east coast. Where available, you can choose a habitat, and view a list of plants for that specific habitat or native ecosystem. This way, you can try your hand at restoring a native plant ecosystem in your yard or project site. Habitat lists also include some hard to grow natives and natives with narrow habitat requirements, such as strictly coastal or rare species, that may not be included on your main zip code list.

To view detailed information, including the horticultural requirements and landscaping uses of the plants as well as photos for most species, click on any plant name.

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Widely cultivated
Cultivated at native plant nurseries
Common Name Scientific Name

Black ironwood  Krugiodendron ferreum
Black mangrove  Avicennia germinans
Blolly, Beeftree  Guapira discolor
Buttonwood  Conocarpus erectus
Cabbage palm  Sabal palmetto
Coastal Plain willow  Salix caroliniana
Common torchwood, Sea torchwood  Amyris elemifera
Crabwood, Oysterwood  Gymnanthes lucida
Dahoon holly, Dahoon  Ilex cassine
Everglades velvetseed, Hammock velvetseed Guettarda elliptica
Florida fiddlewood  Citharexylum spinosum
Guiana-plum  Drypetes lateriflora
Gumbo-limbo  Bursera simaruba
Hercules’-club  Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Inkwood, Butterbough  Exothea paniculata
Ironwood, Redberry stopper  Eugenia confusa
Jamaica caper-tree  Quadrella cynophallophora
Lancewood  Nectandra coriacea
Laurel oak, Diamond oak  Quercus laurifolia
Paradisetree  Simarouba glauca
Persimmon, Common persimmon  Diospyros virginiana
Pigeonplum, Tietongue  Coccoloba diversifolia
Pond-apple  Annona glabra
Red bay  Persea borbonia var. borbonia
Red mangrove  Rhizophora mangle
Red mulberry  Morus rubra
Rough velvetseed Guettarda scabra
Saffronplum  Sideroxylon celastrinum
Satinleaf  Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Seagrape  Coccoloba uvifera
Seaplum  Coccoloba x hybrida
Simpson’s stopper, Twinberry  Myrcianthes fragrans
Soapberry  Sapindus saponaria var. saponaria
Spanish stopper, Boxleaf stopper  Eugenia foetida
Strangler fig, Golden fig  Ficus aurea
Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry  Celtis laevigata
Swamp bay  Persea palustris
Virginia live oak  Quercus virginiana
White mangrove  Laguncularia racemosa
White stopper  Eugenia axillaris
Wild mastic, False mastic  Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Wild-lime, Lime prickly-ash  Zanthoxylum fagara
Willow-bustic, White bully  Sideroxylon salicifolium

Shrubs and Woody Groundcovers
American beautyberry  Callicarpa americana
Bahama nightshade Solanum bahamense
Bastard indigobush, False indigobush  Amorpha fruticosa
Baycedar  Suriana maritima
Beach-creeper, Golden-creeper, Coughbush  Ernodea littoralis
Blacktorch  Erithalis fruticosa
Christmasberry, Carolina desertthorn  Lycium carolinianum
Coco-plum  Chrysobalanus icaco
Common buttonbush  Cephalanthus occidentalis
Common snowberry, Milkberry  Chiococca alba
Coralbean, Cherokee bean  Erythrina herbacea
Elderberry, American elder  Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis
Firebush  Hamelia patens var. patens
Florida Keys blackbead  Pithecellobium keyense
Florida privet, Florida swampprivet  Forestiera segregata
Florida silver palm  Coccothrinax argentata
Gopher-apple  Licania michauxii
Inkberry, Beachberry, Gullfeed  Scaevola plumieri
Limber caper, Bayleaf capertree  Cynophalla flexuosa
Marlberry  Ardisia escallonioides
Myrsine, Colicwood  Myrsine cubana
Narrow varnishleaf Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia
Narrowleaved groundsel, Saltwater Falsewillow  Baccharis angustifolia
Pineland croton, Grannybush  Croton linearis
Privet senna, Privet wild sensitive plant  Senna ligustrina
Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle  Baccharis halimifolia
Saltwort, Turtleweed Batis maritima
Saw palmetto  Serenoa repens
Sea-lavender, Sea-rosemary  Tournefortia gnaphalodes
Shiny-leaved wild coffee  Psychotria nervosa
Shortleaf wild coffee  Psychotria tenuifolia
Silver sea-oxeye-daisy, Bushy seaside oxeye  Borrichia frutescens
Silverling Baccharis glomeruliflora
Small-leaved snowberry Chiococca parvifolia
St. Andrew’s-cross  Hypericum hypericoides
Tough Florida bully  Sideroxylon tenax
Varnishleaf, Florida hopbush  Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa
Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry  Myrica cerifera
White indigoberry  Randia aculeata
Wild-sage, Buttonsage  Lantana involucrata
Yellow necklacepod Sophora tomentosa var. truncata

Barbwire cactus, Dildoe cactus  Acanthocereus tetragonus
Erect pricklypear  Opuntia stricta
False-sisal  Agave decipiens
Spanish-bayonet, Aloe yucca  Yucca aloifolia

Vines and Climbers
Beach morningglory  Ipomoea imperati
Beach-bean, Baybean, Seaside jackbean  Canavalia rosea
Calusa grape Vitis shuttleworthii
Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine  Mikania scandens
Corkystem passionflower  Passiflora suberosa
Creeping-cucumber Melothria pendula
Devil’s-potato, Rubbervine Echites umbellatus
Everglades morningglory  Ipomoea sagittata
Marinevine, Sorrelvine Cissus trifoliata
Mouse’s pineapple, Redgal, Yellowroot  Morinda royoc
Muscadine, Muscadine grape  Vitis rotundifolia
Railroad vine, Bayhops  Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
Spurred butterfly-pea Centrosema virginianum
Vine milkweed, Gulf Coast swallowwort Seutera angustifolia
Virginia-creeper, Woodbine  Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Wild-allamanda, Hammock viperstail  Pentalinon luteum

Grasses, sedges, and rushes
Arrowfeather threeawn  Aristida purpurascens
Chalky bluestem  Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus
Crimson bluestem Schizachyrium sanguineum
Elliott’s love grass  Eragrostis elliottii
Gulf Coast spikerush Eleocharis cellulosa
Marshhay cordgrass, Saltmeadow cordgrass  Spartina patens
Muhlygrass, Hairawn muhly  Muhlenbergia capillaris
Saltgrass  Distichlis spicata
Seashore dropseed  Sporobolus virginicus
Seashore paspalum  Paspalum vaginatum
Smallcane, Florida tibisee, Wild-bamboo  Lasiacis divaricata
Starrush whitetop  Rhynchospora colorata
Variable witchgrass  Dichanthelium commutatum
Woodsgrass, Basketgrass  Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. setarius

Larges grasses, sedges, and rushes
Beachgrass, Bitter panicgrass, Bitter panicum  Panicum amarum
Eastern gamagrass, Fakahatchee grass  Tripsacum dactyloides
Sand cordgrass  Spartina bakeri
Saw-grass, Jamaica swamp sawgrass  Cladium jamaicense
Sea-oats  Uniola paniculata
Softstem bulrush  Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Switchgrass  Panicum virgatum

Terrestrial wildflowers
American bluehearts Buchnera americana
Beach clustervine, Beach Jacquemontia  Jacquemontia reclinata
Beach verbena, Coastal mock vervain  Glandularia maritima
Blackeyed susan  Rudbeckia hirta
Blackroot Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Blue mistflower  Conoclinium coelestinum
Blue porterweed, Joee  Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Bulltongue arrowhead, lance-leaved arrowhead  Sagittaria lancifolia
Butterflyweed, Butterfly milkweed  Asclepias tuberosa
Button snakeroot, Button rattlenakemaster Eryngium yuccifolium
Camphorweed Heterotheca subaxillaris
Canada toadflax Linaria canadensis
Candyweed, Showy milkwort Polygala violacea
Chapman’s goldenrod  Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Coastal rosegentian  Sabatia calycina
Common blue violet  Viola sororia
Curtiss’ hoarypea Tephrosia curtissii
Dense gayfeather, Blazing star  Liatris spicata
East Coast dune sunflower  Helianthus debilis subsp. debilis
False-mint, Sixangle foldwing  Dicliptera sexangularis
Florida tickseed  Coreopsis floridana
Forked bluecurls  Trichostema dichotomum
Hammock snakeroot  Ageratina jucunda
Leavenworth’s goldenrod  Solidago leavenworthii
Leavenworth’s tickseed  Coreopsis leavenworthii
Lizard’s tail  Saururus cernuus
Low rattlebox Crotalaria pumila
Mangrove spiderlily, Perfumed spiderlily  Hymenocallis latifolia
Manyflower beardtongue  Penstemon multiflorus
Marsh gentian, Seaside gentian, Catchfly prairie-gentian Eustoma exaltatum
Mild water-pepper, Swamp smartweed  Polygonum hydropiperoides
Narrowleaf blueeyed-grass  Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Narrowleaf silkgrass  Pityopsis graminifolia
Narrowleaf yellowtops  Flaveria linearis
Oakleaf fleabane, Southern fleanbane Erigeron quercifolius
Partridge pea  Chamaecrista fasciculata
Perennial sea-purslane, Shoreline seapurslane  Sesuvium portulacastrum
Pickerelweed  Pontederia cordata
Pinebarren frostweed  Crocanthemum corymbosum
Pineland heliotrope Heliotropium polyphyllum
Pinepink  Bletia purpurea
Pink purslane, Kiss-me-quick  Portulaca pilosa
Pitted stripeseed  Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Purple thistle  Cirsium horridulum
Queensdelight Stillingia sylvatica
Rabbitbells Crotalaria rotundifolia
Rein orchid, Toothpetal false reinorchid Habenaria floribunda
Rice button aster, Bushy aster  Symphyotrichum dumosum
Rose-of-Plymouth Sabatia stellaris
Rosy camphorweed  Pluchea baccharis
Scorpionstail  Heliotropium angiospermum
Seaside goldenrod  Solidago sempervirens
Seaside heliotrope, Salt heliotrope  Heliotropium curassavicum
Skyflower Hydrolea corymbosa
Slender gayfeather, Blazing star  Liatris gracilis
Snow squarestem  Melanthera nivea
Southern river sage, Creeping sage  Salvia misella
Swamp milkweed  Asclepias incarnata
Swamp-lily, Seven-sisters, String-lily  Crinum americanum
Sweet Shaggytuft, Pinklet  Stenandrium dulce
Sweetscent Pluchea odorata
Tea-blinkum, Sanddune cinchweed  Pectis glaucescens
Tropical-puff  Neptunia pubescens
Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Frogfruit  Phyla nodiflora
Walter’s groundcherry  Physalis walteri
Wand goldenrod  Solidago stricta
Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace  Bacopa monnieri
Waterspider false reinorchid Habenaria repens
Whitemouth dayflower Commelina erecta
Wild pennyroyal  Piloblephis rigida
Yellow joyweed Alternanthera flavescens

Large terrestrial wildflowers
Alligatorflag, Fireflag  Thalia geniculata
Frostweed, White crownbeard  Verbesina virginica
Golden canna, Bandana-of-the-everglades  Canna flaccida
Virginia saltmarsh mallow  Kosteletzkya pentacarpos

Other terrestrial groundcovers
Beach ragweed, Coastal ragweed  Ambrosia hispida
Beach-tea, Gulf croton Croton punctatus
Bird pepper, Cayenne pepper  Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
Coastal bedstraw Galium bermudense
Coontie, Florida arrowroot  Zamia integrifolia
Creeping primrosewillow  Ludwigia repens
False nettle, Bog hemp, Button-hemp  Boehmeria cylindrica
Florida vente conmigo  Croton glandulosus var. floridanus
Pony-foot, Carolina ponysfoot Dichondra carolinensis
Vente conmigo  Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis

Ferns and similar
Royal fern  Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Southern shield fern  Thelypteris kunthii
Swamp fern, Toothed midsorus fern  Blechnum serrulatum
Sword fern, Wild Boston fern  Nephrolepis exaltata
Tailed bracken fern  Pteridium pseudocaudatum
Whisk-fern  Psilotum nudum

Large ferns
Giant leather fern  Acrostichum danaeifolium
Giant sword fern  Nephrolepis biserrata
Golden leather fern Acrostichum aureum

Floating and submerged aquatic herbs
American white waterlily  Nymphaea odorata

Ball-moss Tillandsia recurvata
Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant Tillandsia flexuosa
Florida butterfly orchid Encyclia tampensis
Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant Tillandsia utriculata
Golden polypody  Phlebodium aureum
Reflexed wild-pine Tillandsia balbisiana
Resurrection fern Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Spanish-moss Tillandsia usneoides
Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Thin-leaved wild-pine, Southern needleleaf Tillandsia setacea
Twisted wild-pine, Potbelly airplant Tillandsia paucifolia

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