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Marinevine, Sorrelvine
Cissus trifoliata

Copyright by: George D. Gann

General Landscape Uses: Fence covering in coastal areas.

Ecological Restoration Notes: A sporadic element of coastal hammocks and thickets. Perhaps rarer now than previously due to coastal development and erosion. Some care is needed if this species is used as it can cover large areas and smother other vegetation in restoration sites.

Availability: Rarely grown by native plant nurseries.

Description: Herbaceous vine with deeply-toothed waxy compound leaves opposite tendrils.

Dimensions: N/A; a vine with stems 10 feet or more in length. Often drapes over other vegetation forming large mats.

Growth Rate: Moderate to fast.

Range: Southern United States west to Arizona and south along the coasts to the Monroe County Keys; West Indies, Mexico, Central America and South America. Rare and scattered throughout its range in South Florida.

Plant Map Map of select IRC data from peninsular Florida.

 Map of suggested ZIP codes from South Florida north to southern Brevard, Osceola, Polk, and Pasco counties.

 Map of ZIP codes with habitat recommendations from the Monroe County Keys north to Martin and Charlotte counties.

Habitats: Coastal hammocks and thickets.

Soils: Moist, well-drained sandy or limestone soils, with or without humusy top layer.

Nutritional Requirements: Moderate; can grow in nutrient poor soils, but needs some organic content to thrive.

Salt Water Tolerance: Moderate; tolerates brackish water or occasional inundation by salt water.

Salt Wind Tolerance: High; can tolerate moderate amounts of salt wind without significant injury.

Drought Tolerance: Moderate to high; plants growing in extremely dry soils may die during extended periods of drought.

Light Requirements: Full sun.

Flower Color: Greenish-yellow.

Flower Characteristics: Inconspicuous.

Flowering Season: Spring-fall.

Fruit: Bluish-black berry.

Horticultural Notes: Grown from cuttings, seeds and division.

References: Hammer 2004

Comments: Marinevine can become aggressive in the landscape and should be used with caution.

Copyright by: George D. Gann

Copyright by: George D. Gann

Copyright by: George D. Gann

Other data on Cissus trifoliata available from:

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