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False nettle, Bog hemp, Button-hemp Boehmeria cylindrica
Copyright by: Shirley Denton
General Landscape Uses:
Primarily recommended for natural landscapes and habitat restorations. Also butterfly gardens in wet soils.
Ecological Restoration Notes: A common but somewhat ephemeral understory herb in swamps and moist forests.
Available at native plant nurseries in central Florida.
Description: Short-lived medium herb.
Dimensions: Typically 2-3 feet in height. Sometimes as broad as tall.
Growth Rate: Fast.
Widespread in North America south to the Monroe County mainland; West Indies, Mexico, Central America and South America.
Soils: Moist to wet, moderately well-drained to well-drained, sandy, limestone, or organic soils, with humusy top layer.
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate; can grow in nutrient poor soils, but needs some organic content to thrive.
Salt Water Tolerance: Low; does not tolerate long-term flooding by salt or brackish water.
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low; salt wind may burn the leaves.
Drought Tolerance: Low; requires moist to wet soils and is intolerant of long periods of drought.
Light Requirements: Light shade to moderate shade.
Flower Color: Greenish.
Flower Characteristics: Inconspicuous.
Flowering Season: Summer-fall.
Fruit: Inconspicuous.
Wildlife and Ecology: Larval host and nectar plant for red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterflies; larval host for question mark (Polygonia interrogationis) butterflies.
Horticultural Notes: Can be grown from seed.
Copyright by: Shirley Denton
Copyright by: Shirley Denton
Copyright by: Shirley Denton
Other data on Boehmeria cylindrica available from: