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Deering Estate at Cutler
County: Miami-Dade County
Size: 441.23 acres
Latitude: 25.62639º Longitude: -80.30556º
Section: 25,26,35 Township: 55 Range: 40
Managing Agency: Miami-Dade County Department of Parks and Recreation

There are 801 taxa reported for
Deering Estate at Cutler

Group By Family:

Scientific Name: Occurrence: Native Status: Introduced Status: Invasive Status: Cultivated Status: Reference: Voucher:
Scientific Name: Abildgaardia ovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Abildgaardia ovata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Acacia auriculiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Acacia auriculiformis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Acalypha chamaedrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Acalypha chamaedrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Acalypha hispida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14900
Acalypha hispida
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 14900
Scientific Name: Acalypha ostryifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Acalypha ostryifolia
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Acoelorraphe wrightii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 50198
Acoelorraphe wrightii
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 50198
Scientific Name: Acrostichum aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Acrostichum aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Acrostichum danaeifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Acrostichum danaeifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Adiantum anceps
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Adiantum anceps
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Adiantum tenerum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Adiantum tenerum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Adonidia merrillii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Adonidia merrillii
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Aeschynomene americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Aeschynomene americana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Aeschynomene viscidula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Aeschynomene viscidula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Agalinis fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Agalinis fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Agave americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14900
Agave americana
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 14900
Scientific Name: Agave decipiens
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 10848
Agave decipiens
Doubtfully Present 10848
Scientific Name: Agave sisalana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Agave sisalana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ageratum conyzoides subsp. conyzoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Ageratum conyzoides subsp. conyzoides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Albizia lebbeck
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Albizia lebbeck
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Alpinia zerumbet
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Alpinia zerumbet
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Alstonia macrophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Alstonia macrophylla
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Alternanthera flavescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Alternanthera flavescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Alternanthera maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Alternanthera maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Alysicarpus vaginalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Alysicarpus vaginalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Amaranthus blitum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50192
Amaranthus blitum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50192
Scientific Name: Amaranthus hybridus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Amaranthus hybridus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Amaranthus spinosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Amaranthus spinosus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Ammannia latifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Ammannia latifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 54112
Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata
Present Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only Not Introduced Native Cultivated 54112
Scientific Name: Ampelopsis arborea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ampelopsis arborea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Amphitecna latifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Amphitecna latifolia
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Amyris elemifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Amyris elemifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Andropogon floridanus
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14900
Andropogon floridanus
Recorded as Present in Error 14900
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Andropogon gyrans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4919
Andropogon gyrans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4919
Scientific Name: Andropogon longiberbis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Andropogon longiberbis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Andropogon ternarius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4920
Andropogon ternarius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4920
Scientific Name: Andropogon tracyi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4922
Andropogon tracyi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4922
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 20561
Voucher: 4921
Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 20561 4921
Scientific Name: Anemia adiantifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Anemia adiantifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Angadenia berteroi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2883
Angadenia berteroi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2883
Scientific Name: Annona glabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Annona glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Anredera vesicaria
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Anredera vesicaria
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Antidesma bunius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 52088
Antidesma bunius
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 52088
Scientific Name: Antigonon leptopus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Antigonon leptopus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Formerly Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Ardisia elliptica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ardisia elliptica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ardisia escallonioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ardisia escallonioides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Argemone mexicana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Argemone mexicana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Argythamnia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 10948
Voucher: 16138
Argythamnia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 10948 16138
Scientific Name: Aristida condensata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4917
Aristida condensata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4917
Scientific Name: Aristida purpurascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Aristida purpurascens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Aristida stricta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Aristida stricta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Aristolochia maxima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Aristolochia maxima
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Aristolochia pentandra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 55358
Voucher: 8061
Aristolochia pentandra
Present Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only Not Introduced Native 55358 8061
Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Asclepias curassavica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4916
Asclepias tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4916
Scientific Name: Asclepias verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Asclepias verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Asclepias viridis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Asclepias viridis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Asparagus aethiopicus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14696
Asparagus aethiopicus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14696
Scientific Name: Asparagus setaceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Asparagus setaceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Asplenium dentatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 18643
Asplenium dentatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 18643
Scientific Name: Asplenium verecundum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 54112
Voucher: 15711
Asplenium verecundum
Present Native, Extirpated, now Cultivated Only Not Introduced Native Cultivated 54112 15711
Scientific Name: Asplenium x biscaynianum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 8386
Asplenium x biscaynianum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701 8386
Scientific Name: Avicennia germinans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Avicennia germinans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Axonopus furcatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Axonopus furcatus
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Ayenia euphrasiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ayenia euphrasiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Baccharis angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Baccharis angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Baccharis dioica
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Baccharis dioica
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Baccharis glomeruliflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Baccharis glomeruliflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Baccharis halimifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Bacopa monnieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Basiphyllaea corallicola
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52204
Voucher: 18620
Basiphyllaea corallicola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52204 18620
Scientific Name: Batis maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Batis maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Bidens alba var. radiata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Bidens alba var. radiata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Bischofia javanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Bischofia javanica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Blechnum serrulatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Blechnum serrulatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Blutaparon vermiculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2260
Blutaparon vermiculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2260
Scientific Name: Boehmeria cylindrica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Boehmeria cylindrica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Boerhavia diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Boerhavia diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Boerhavia erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Boerhavia erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Borrichia arborescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Borrichia arborescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Borrichia frutescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Borrichia frutescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Bothriochloa pertusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Bothriochloa pertusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Bouteloua hirsuta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4683
Bouteloua hirsuta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4683
Scientific Name: Bromelia pinguin
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Bromelia pinguin
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Broussonetia papyrifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Broussonetia papyrifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Buchnera americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Buchnera americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Bursera simaruba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Byrsonima lucida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Byrsonima lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia bonduc
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Caesalpinia bonduc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cakile lanceolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cakile lanceolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Callicarpa americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Callicarpa americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Calyptocarpus vialis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Calyptocarpus vialis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Calyptranthes pallens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2872
Calyptranthes pallens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2872
Scientific Name: Calyptranthes zuzygium
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 21701
Calyptranthes zuzygium
Doubtfully Present 21701
Scientific Name: Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2172
Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2172
Scientific Name: Canavalia rosea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Canavalia rosea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Canna indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Canna indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Capraria biflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Capraria biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cardamine pensylvanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Cardamine pensylvanica
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Cardiospermum halicacabum var. halicacabum
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Cardiospermum halicacabum var. halicacabum
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Carica papaya
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Carica papaya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Carissa macrocarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Carissa macrocarpa
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Caryota mitis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Caryota mitis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Casasia clusiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Casasia clusiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cassia fistula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Cassia fistula
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Cassytha filiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cassytha filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Casuarina equisetifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Catharanthus roseus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Catopsis berteroniana
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Catopsis berteroniana
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cecropia palmata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21351
Cecropia palmata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21351
Scientific Name: Celosia nitida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Celosia nitida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Celtis laevigata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Celtis laevigata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cenchrus echinatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cenchrus echinatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cenchrus gracillimus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cenchrus gracillimus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cenchrus incertus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cenchrus incertus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Centella asiatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Centella asiatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Centrosema virginianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cestrum diurnum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Cestrum diurnum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista deeringiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chamaecrista deeringiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chaptalia albicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chaptalia albicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chenopodium album
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Chenopodium album
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Chiococca alba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chiococca alba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chiococca pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chiococca pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chromolaena odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chrysobalanus icaco
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chrysobalanus icaco
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cirsium horridulum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cirsium horridulum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Citharexylum spinosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Citharexylum spinosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Citrus sinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Citrus sinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Citrus x aurantiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Citrus x aurantiifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Citrus x aurantium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Citrus x aurantium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Citrus x limon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Citrus x limon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Citrus x limonia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14892
Citrus x limonia
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 14892
Scientific Name: Citrus x paradisi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Citrus x paradisi
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Cladium jamaicense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cladium jamaicense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum indicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Clerodendrum indicum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Cnidoscolus stimulosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cnidoscolus stimulosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Coccoloba diversifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Coccoloba diversifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Coccoloba uvifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Coccoloba uvifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Coccothrinax argentata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2464
Coccothrinax argentata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2464
Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Cocos nucifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Cojoba graciliflora
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 22009
Voucher: 22009
Cojoba graciliflora
Presumed Extirpated Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 22009 22009
Scientific Name: Colubrina asiatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Colubrina asiatica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Commelina erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Commelina erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Conocarpus erectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Conyza canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Conyza canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Corchorus siliquosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Corchorus siliquosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cordia sebestena
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Cordia sebestena
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Coreopsis leavenworthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Coreopsis leavenworthii
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Costus spicatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Costus spicatus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Crossopetalum rhacoma
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Crossopetalum rhacoma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria incana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria incana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria retusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Crotalaria retusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Crotalaria rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria spectabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria spectabilis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Crotalaria verrucosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Crotalaria verrucosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Croton linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2169
Croton linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2169
Scientific Name: Ctenitis sloanei
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ctenitis sloanei
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ctenitis submarginalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ctenitis submarginalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cucurbita okeechobeensis subsp. okeechobeensis
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 18354
Cucurbita okeechobeensis subsp. okeechobeensis
Presumed Extirpated Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Formerly Cultivated 18354
Scientific Name: Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Cyanthillium cinereum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Cyanthillium cinereum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Cyclospermum leptophyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Cyclospermum leptophyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus compressus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus compressus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus croceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus croceus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus distinctus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Cyperus distinctus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Cyperus esculentus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Cyperus esculentus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Cyperus filiculmis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus filiculmis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus involucratus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Cyperus involucratus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Cyperus ligularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus ligularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus ochraceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14892
Cyperus ochraceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14892
Scientific Name: Cyperus odoratus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Cyperus odoratus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Cyperus ovatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus ovatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus planifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Cyperus planifolius
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Cyperus polystachyos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus polystachyos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Cyperus pumilus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Cyperus rotundus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus rotundus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus surinamensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyperus surinamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Cyperus tetragonus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Cyperus tetragonus
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Cyrtomium falcatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 23994
Voucher: 23994
Cyrtomium falcatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 23994 23994
Scientific Name: Cyrtopodium punctatum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Cyrtopodium punctatum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Dalbergia brownei
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1516
Dalbergia brownei
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1516
Scientific Name: Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Dalbergia sissoo
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Dalea carnea var. carnea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dalea carnea var. carnea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dalea floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 15493
Dalea floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 15493
Scientific Name: Delonix regia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Delonix regia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Desmanthus leptophyllus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50192
Desmanthus leptophyllus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50192
Scientific Name: Desmanthus virgatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Desmanthus virgatus
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Desmodium floridanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47725
Voucher: 47725
Desmodium floridanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 47725 47725
Scientific Name: Desmodium incanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 53898
Desmodium incanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 53898
Scientific Name: Desmodium marilandicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Desmodium marilandicum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Desmodium mauritianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Desmodium mauritianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Desmodium tortuosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Desmodium tortuosum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Desmodium triflorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Desmodium triflorum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium aciculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dichanthelium aciculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium commutatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dichanthelium commutatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium dichotomum
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14902
Dichanthelium dichotomum
Recorded as Present in Error 14902
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Voucher: 4684
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900 4684
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ovale
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dichanthelium ovale
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium portoricense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dichanthelium portoricense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dichondra carolinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Dichondra carolinensis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Dicliptera sexangularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dicliptera sexangularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Didymoglossum krausii
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Didymoglossum krausii
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Didymoglossum punctatum subsp. floridanum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Didymoglossum punctatum subsp. floridanum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Digitaria bicornis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Digitaria bicornis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Digitaria ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Digitaria ciliaris
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4918
Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4918
Scientific Name: Digitaria horizontalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Digitaria horizontalis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Digitaria insularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Digitaria insularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Digitaria violascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Digitaria violascens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Diodia teres
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Diodia teres
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Dioscorea alata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4897
Dioscorea alata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701 4897
Scientific Name: Dioscorea bulbifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Dioscorea bulbifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Dioscorea sansibarensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 4874
Voucher: 4874
Dioscorea sansibarensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 4874 4874
Scientific Name: Diospyros virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Diospyros virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Distichlis spicata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14696
Distichlis spicata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14696
Scientific Name: Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Drypetes lateriflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Drypetes lateriflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Duranta erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Duranta erecta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Dypsis lutescens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Dyschoriste angusta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1514
Dyschoriste angusta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1514
Scientific Name: Echinochloa crus-galli
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Echinochloa crus-galli
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Echites umbellatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Echites umbellatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eclipta prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Elaeis guineensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 11501
Elaeis guineensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 11501
Scientific Name: Eleocharis baldwinii
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 21701
Eleocharis baldwinii
Doubtfully Present 21701
Scientific Name: Eleocharis geniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eleocharis geniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eleusine indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Eleusine indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Emilia fosbergii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Emilia fosbergii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Emilia sonchifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Emilia sonchifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Encyclia tampensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Encyclia tampensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Epidendrum floridense
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Reference Number: 21898
Voucher: 21898
Epidendrum floridense
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated 21898 21898
Scientific Name: Epidendrum nocturnum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Epidendrum nocturnum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Epidendrum rigidum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Epidendrum rigidum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Epipremnum pinnatum cv. Aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Epipremnum pinnatum cv. Aureum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Eragrostis amabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Eragrostis amabilis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Eragrostis cilianensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Eragrostis cilianensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Eragrostis ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Eragrostis ciliaris
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Eragrostis elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eragrostis elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eragrostis spectabilis
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 21701
Eragrostis spectabilis
Doubtfully Present 21701
Scientific Name: Erechtites hieraciifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Erechtites hieraciifolius
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Eremochloa ophiuroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Eremochloa ophiuroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Erigeron quercifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Erigeron quercifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Eriobotrya japonica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Erithalis fruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Erithalis fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Erucastrum gallicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Erucastrum gallicum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Erythrina herbacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Erythrina herbacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eugenia axillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eugenia axillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eugenia confusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Eugenia confusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Eugenia foetida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eugenia foetida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eugenia rhombea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54185
Eugenia rhombea
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Native 54185
Scientific Name: Eugenia uniflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Eugenia uniflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Eupatorium capillifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eupatorium capillifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eupatorium serotinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eupatorium serotinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia conferta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia conferta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia cyathophora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia cyathophora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. deltoidea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia deltoidea subsp. deltoidea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia garberi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2569
Euphorbia garberi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2569
Scientific Name: Euphorbia graminea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50192
Euphorbia graminea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50192
Scientific Name: Euphorbia heterophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hirta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hypericifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia hypericifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia lasiocarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Euphorbia lasiocarpa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Euphorbia mendezii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia mendezii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia ophthalmica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia ophthalmica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia pergamena
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia pergamena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia polyphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia porteriana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia porteriana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Euphorbia prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Euphorbia prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Euphorbia trichotoma
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Euphorbia trichotoma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eustachys glauca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Eustachys glauca
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Eustachys petraea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eustachys petraea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Eustoma exaltatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Eustoma exaltatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Evolvulus sericeus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Evolvulus sericeus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Exothea paniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2171
Exothea paniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2171
Scientific Name: Ficus altissima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ficus altissima
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ficus aurea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ficus aurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ficus benghalensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Ficus benghalensis
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Ficus citrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1535
Ficus citrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1535
Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ficus microcarpa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52179
Fimbristylis caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52179
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis cymosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Fimbristylis cymosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Flacourtia indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Flacourtia indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Flaveria linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Flaveria linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Flaveria trinervia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Flaveria trinervia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Forestiera segregata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Forestiera segregata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Fuirena breviseta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Fuirena breviseta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Funastrum clausum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Funastrum clausum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Galactia floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Galactia floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Galactia parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Galactia parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Galactia pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 20021
Galactia pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 20021
Scientific Name: Galactia smallii
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 14900
Galactia smallii
Reported 14900
Scientific Name: Galactia striata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Galactia striata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Galium bermudense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Galium bermudense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Galium tinctorium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Galium tinctorium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Geranium carolinianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Geranium carolinianum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Gouania lupuloides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Gouania lupuloides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Guapira discolor
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Guapira discolor
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Guettarda elliptica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Guettarda elliptica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Guettarda scabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Guettarda scabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Gymnanthes lucida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Gymnanthes lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Habenaria floribunda
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Habenaria floribunda
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Habenaria quinqueseta
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14898
Habenaria quinqueseta
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 14898
Scientific Name: Halodule wrightii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Halodule wrightii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hamelia patens var. patens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hamelia patens var. patens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Helenium amarum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Helenium amarum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Helianthus agrestis
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Helianthus agrestis
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Helianthus annuus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Heliotropium angiospermum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1517
Heliotropium angiospermum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1517
Scientific Name: Heliotropium curassavicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Heliotropium curassavicum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Heliotropium polyphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4681
Heliotropium polyphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4681
Scientific Name: Hibiscus radiatus
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 21832
Voucher: 21832
Hibiscus radiatus
Presumed Extirpated Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 21832 21832
Scientific Name: Hibiscus tiliaceus var. tiliaceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Hibiscus tiliaceus var. tiliaceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Hieracium megacephalon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hieracium megacephalon
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hippocratea volubilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hippocratea volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hippomane mancinella
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Reference Number: 22065
Voucher: 22066
Hippomane mancinella
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated 22065 22066
Scientific Name: Hura crepitans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14900
Hura crepitans
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 14900
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle umbellata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hydrocotyle umbellata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Hylocereus undatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Hylocereus undatus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Hymenocallis latifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hymenocallis latifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hyparrhenia rufa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Hyparrhenia rufa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Hypericum hypericoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hypericum hypericoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Hypoxis wrightii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Hypoxis wrightii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ilex cassine
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2168
Ilex cassine
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2168
Scientific Name: Ilex krugiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 199
Ilex krugiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 199
Scientific Name: Imperata brasiliensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Imperata brasiliensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Indigofera hirsuta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14900
Indigofera hirsuta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14900
Scientific Name: Indigofera miniata var. florida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4682
Indigofera miniata var. florida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4682
Scientific Name: Indigofera spicata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Indigofera spicata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Indigofera suffruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Indigofera suffruticosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Indigofera tinctoria
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 21996
Voucher: 21996
Indigofera tinctoria
Presumed Extirpated Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 21996 21996
Scientific Name: Ipomoea alba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea alba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ipomoea cordatotriloba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Ipomoea cordatotriloba
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Ipomoea hederifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea hederifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Ipomoea indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ipomoea microdactyla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Ipomoea microdactyla
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ipomoea sagittata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Ipomoea sagittata
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Ipomoea tenuissima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea tenuissima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ipomoea triloba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Ipomoea triloba
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Ipomoea violacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ipomoea violacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Iresine diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2173
Iresine diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2173
Scientific Name: Iva imbricata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Iva imbricata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 20560
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 20560
Scientific Name: Jacquemontia curtisii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1497
Jacquemontia curtisii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1497
Scientific Name: Jasminum dichotomum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Jasminum dichotomum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Jasminum fluminense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Jasminum fluminense
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Juncus roemerianus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Juncus roemerianus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Kalanchoe delagoensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Kalanchoe delagoensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Kalanchoe pinnata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Kalanchoe pinnata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Koanophyllon villosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1510
Koanophyllon villosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1510
Scientific Name: Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Krugiodendron ferreum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Krugiodendron ferreum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Kyllinga brevifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14900
Kyllinga brevifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14900
Scientific Name: Laguncularia racemosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Laguncularia racemosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Lantana camara
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Lantana depressa var. depressa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lantana depressa var. depressa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lantana involucrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lantana involucrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lasiacis divaricata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lasiacis divaricata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lechea torreyi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lechea torreyi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Leonotis nepetifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Leonotis nepetifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Lepidium virginicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Lepidium virginicum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularis
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Leucaena leucocephala
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Leucaena leucocephala
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Liatris chapmanii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Liatris chapmanii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Liatris gracilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Liatris gracilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21741
Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21741
Scientific Name: Licania michauxii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Licania michauxii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Linaria canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Linaria canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Linum carteri var. carteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52207
Linum carteri var. carteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52207
Scientific Name: Livistona chinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Livistona chinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Ludwigia octovalvis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ludwigia octovalvis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ludwigia peruviana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ludwigia peruviana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ludwigia repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ludwigia repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lycium carolinianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lycium carolinianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lygodium microphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34915
Voucher: 42457
Lygodium microphyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34915 42457
Scientific Name: Lyonia fruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lyonia fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Lysiloma latisiliquum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Lysiloma latisiliquum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Macroptilium lathyroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Macroptilium lathyroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Magnolia virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Magnolia virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Malvastrum corchorifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Malvastrum corchorifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Malvastrum coromandelianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Malvastrum coromandelianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Malvaviscus arboreus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14900
Malvaviscus arboreus
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 14900
Scientific Name: Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Mangifera indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Mangifera indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Manilkara zapota
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Manilkara zapota
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Maxonia apiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14900
Maxonia apiifolia
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 14900
Scientific Name: Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Mecardonia procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Mecardonia procumbens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Medicago lupulina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Medicago lupulina
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Megathyrsus maximus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Megathyrsus maximus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Melaleuca quinquenervia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Melanthera angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1518
Melanthera angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1518
Scientific Name: Melanthera nivea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2258
Melanthera nivea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2258
Scientific Name: Melanthera parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Melanthera parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Melilotus albus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14900
Melilotus albus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14900
Scientific Name: Melinis minutiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Melinis minutiflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Melinis repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Melinis repens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Melothria pendula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Melothria pendula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mentzelia floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Mentzelia floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Merremia dissecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Merremia dissecta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Metastelma blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1513
Metastelma blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1513
Scientific Name: Metopium toxiferum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Metopium toxiferum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mikania cordifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Mikania cordifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mikania scandens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Mikania scandens
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Millettia pinnata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Millettia pinnata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Mirabilis jalapa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Mitreola petiolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Mitreola petiolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Momordica charantia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Momordica charantia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Morinda royoc
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2170
Morinda royoc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2170
Scientific Name: Morus rubra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Morus rubra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mosiera longipes
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Mosiera longipes
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Mucuna pruriens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Mucuna pruriens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Mucuna sloanei
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Voucher: 18782
Mucuna sloanei
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900 18782
Scientific Name: Muhlenbergia capillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Muhlenbergia capillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Murraya paniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Murraya paniculata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Musa x paradisiaca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Musa x paradisiaca
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Myrcianthes fragrans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Myrcianthes fragrans
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Myrica cerifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Myrica cerifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Myriopus volubilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1426
Myriopus volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1426
Scientific Name: Myrsine cubana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Myrsine cubana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Nama jamaicensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Nama jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Nectandra coriacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1409
Nectandra coriacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1409
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis biserrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Nephrolepis biserrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis brownii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Nephrolepis brownii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis cordifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Nephrolepis exaltata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Neptunia pubescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Neptunia pubescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Neyraudia reynaudiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Neyraudia reynaudiana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ochrosia elliptica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51741
Ochrosia elliptica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51741
Scientific Name: Oeceoclades maculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Oeceoclades maculata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Oenothera simulans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Oenothera simulans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Oldenlandia corymbosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Oldenlandia corymbosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Ophioglossum palmatum
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Ophioglossum palmatum
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. setarius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. setarius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Opuntia austrina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Opuntia austrina
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Orthosia scoparia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Orthosia scoparia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Oxalis corniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Oxalis corniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Packera glabella
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Packera glabella
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Paederia cruddasiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14900
Paederia cruddasiana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14900
Scientific Name: Palafoxia integrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Palafoxia integrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pandanus utilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Pandanus utilis
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Panicum amarum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Panicum amarum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Panicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Panicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Panicum repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Panicum repens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Panicum virgatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Panicum virgatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Parietaria floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Parietaria floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Parietaria praetermissa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Parietaria praetermissa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Parkinsonia aculeata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Parkinsonia aculeata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Parthenium hysterophorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Parthenium hysterophorus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum caespitosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum caespitosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum conjugatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum conjugatum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum fimbriatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum fimbriatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum monostachyum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum monostachyum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum notatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Paspalum notatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Paspalum setaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Paspalum setaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Paspalum urvillei
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Paspalum urvillei
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Paspalum vaginatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Paspalum vaginatum
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Passiflora pallens
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15799
Voucher: 15799
Passiflora pallens
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 15799 15799
Scientific Name: Passiflora sexflora
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21701
Passiflora sexflora
Recorded as Present in Error 21701
Scientific Name: Passiflora suberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15256
Passiflora suberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 15256
Scientific Name: Pavonia paludicola
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 19736
Pavonia paludicola
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 21701 19736
Scientific Name: Pectis glaucescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Pectis glaucescens
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Pectis prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Pectis prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Pectis x floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 4691
Voucher: 4691
Pectis x floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 4691 4691
Scientific Name: Pelargonium x hortorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Pelargonium x hortorum
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Pennisetum purpureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Pennisetum purpureum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Penstemon multiflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Penstemon multiflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pentalinon luteum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pentalinon luteum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pentas lanceolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Pentas lanceolata
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Peperomia magnoliifolia
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14892
Peperomia magnoliifolia
Recorded as Present in Error 14892
Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Peperomia obtusifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Persea americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Persea americana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Persea borbonia var. borbonia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Persea borbonia var. borbonia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Persea palustris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Persea palustris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Petiveria alliacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Petiveria alliacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Petunia x hybrida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 8397
Petunia x hybrida
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701 8397
Scientific Name: Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Phlebodium aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Phlebodium aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Phoenix reclinata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Phoenix reclinata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Phragmites australis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Phragmites australis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Phyla nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Phyla stoechadifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Phyla stoechadifolia
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus amarus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Phyllanthus amarus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus angustifolius
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 18251
Voucher: 18251
Phyllanthus angustifolius
Presumed Extirpated Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 18251 18251
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus pentaphyllus var. floridanus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1511
Phyllanthus pentaphyllus var. floridanus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1511
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus tenellus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 15256
Voucher: 7745
Phyllanthus tenellus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 15256 7745
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus urinaria
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Phyllanthus urinaria
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Phymatosorus grossus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 42575
Voucher: 38313
Phymatosorus grossus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 42575 38313
Scientific Name: Physalis angulata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Physalis angulata
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Physalis angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Physalis angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Physalis walteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Physalis walteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Phytolacca americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Phytolacca americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Picramnia pentandra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 15816
Picramnia pentandra
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Formerly Cultivated 21701 15816
Scientific Name: Pilea herniarioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Pilea herniarioides
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Pilea microphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pilea microphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Piloblephis rigida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Piloblephis rigida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pinus elliottii var. densa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pinus elliottii var. densa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Piscidia piscipula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Piscidia piscipula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pisonia aculeata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1509
Pisonia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1509
Scientific Name: Pithecellobium keyense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pithecellobium keyense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pithecellobium unguis-cati
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Pithecellobium unguis-cati
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Pittosporum pentandrum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4686
Pittosporum pentandrum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701 4686
Scientific Name: Pityopsis graminifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pityopsis graminifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Plantago major
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Plantago major
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Plantago virginica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Plantago virginica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pluchea baccharis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Pluchea baccharis
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Pluchea carolinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Pluchea carolinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Pluchea odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pluchea odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Polanisia tenuifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Polanisia tenuifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Polygala incarnata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Polygala incarnata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Polygala smallii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 42634
Polygala smallii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 42634
Scientific Name: Polygala violacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Polygala violacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Polygonella polygama var. brachystachya
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Polygonella polygama var. brachystachya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Polypremum procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Polypremum procumbens
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Polystachya concreta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Polystachya concreta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ponthieva racemosa
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 19264
Voucher: 19264
Ponthieva racemosa
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native 19264 19264
Scientific Name: Portulaca oleracea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Doubtfully Native
Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Portulaca oleracea
Present Doubtfully Native Assumed to be Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Potamogeton illinoensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Potamogeton illinoensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Pouteria campechiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Pouteria campechiana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Premna odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Premna odorata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Priva lappulacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Priva lappulacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Prosthechea boothiana var. erythronioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 3892
Prosthechea boothiana var. erythronioides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 3892
Scientific Name: Prosthechea cochleata
Occurrence: Presumed Extirpated
Native Status: Presumed Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Prosthechea cochleata
Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated Not Introduced Native Formerly Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Prunus myrtifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4687
Prunus myrtifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4687
Scientific Name: Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Psidium guajava
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Psilotum nudum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Psilotum nudum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Psychotria ligustrifolia
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 14900
Psychotria ligustrifolia
Reported 14900
Scientific Name: Psychotria nervosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Psychotria nervosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Psychotria tenuifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Psychotria tenuifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pteridium caudatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pteridium caudatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Pteris bahamensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1410
Pteris bahamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1410
Scientific Name: Pteris tripartita
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Pteris tripartita
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Pteris vittata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Pteris vittata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Pteris x delchampsii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Pteris x delchampsii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ptilimnium capillaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ptilimnium capillaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Ptychosperma elegans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ptychosperma elegans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Quadrella cynophallophora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Quadrella cynophallophora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Quercus incana
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14902
Quercus incana
Recorded as Present in Error 14902
Scientific Name: Quercus laurifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Quercus laurifolia
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Quercus minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Quercus minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Quercus pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Quercus pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Quercus virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Quercus virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Randia aculeata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2256
Randia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2256
Scientific Name: Reynosia septentrionalis
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 14900
Reynosia septentrionalis
Reported 14900
Scientific Name: Rhabdadenia biflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhabdadenia biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhizophora mangle
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhizophora mangle
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhus copallinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2270
Rhus copallinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2270
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia cinerea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhynchosia cinerea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhynchosia minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhynchosia parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhynchosia reniformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhynchosia reniformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora colorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rhynchospora colorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora divergens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Rhynchospora divergens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora floridensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1536
Rhynchospora floridensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1536
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora grayi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4685
Rhynchospora grayi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4685
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora intermedia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Rhynchospora intermedia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Richardia brasiliensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 20560
Richardia brasiliensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 20560
Scientific Name: Richardia grandiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Richardia grandiflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Richardia scabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Richardia scabra
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Ricinus communis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ricinus communis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Rivina humilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Rivina humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Rottboellia cochinchinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Rottboellia cochinchinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Roystonea regia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Roystonea regia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Not Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ruellia blechum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Ruellia blechum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Ruellia ciliatiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Ruellia ciliatiflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ruellia simplex
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Ruellia simplex
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Ruellia succulenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1435
Ruellia succulenta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1435
Scientific Name: Russelia equisetiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Russelia equisetiformis
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Sabal palmetto
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sabal palmetto
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sabatia stellaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sabatia stellaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Saccharum giganteum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Saccharum giganteum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Sachsia polycephala
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sachsia polycephala
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sagittaria lancifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sagittaria lancifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Salicornia bigelovii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14696
Salicornia bigelovii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14696
Scientific Name: Salix caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Salix caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Salvia occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Salvia occidentalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Salvia serotina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Salvia serotina
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Samolus ebracteatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Samolus ebracteatus
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Samolus valerandi subsp. parviflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Samolus valerandi subsp. parviflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Sansevieria hyacinthoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Sansevieria hyacinthoides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Santalum album
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Santalum album
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Sapindus saponaria var. saponaria
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sapindus saponaria var. saponaria
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sarcocornia perennis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Sarcocornia perennis
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Saururus cernuus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Saururus cernuus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Scaevola taccada
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Scaevola taccada
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Schefflera actinophylla
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Schinus terebinthifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Schinus terebinthifolius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium gracile
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Schizachyrium gracile
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium rhizomatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Schizachyrium rhizomatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium sanguineum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Schizachyrium sanguineum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Schoepfia schreberi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Schoepfia schreberi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Scleria ciliata var. ciliata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Scleria ciliata var. ciliata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Scleria lithosperma
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1413
Scleria lithosperma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1413
Scientific Name: Scleria triglomerata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Scleria triglomerata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Scutellaria havanensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Scutellaria havanensis
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Selaginella arenicola
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Selaginella arenicola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Selenicereus coniflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 12433
Selenicereus coniflorus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 12433
Scientific Name: Selenicereus pteranthus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Selenicereus pteranthus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Senna ligustrina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Senna ligustrina
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1411
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1411
Scientific Name: Senna obtusifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Senna obtusifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Senna occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Senna occidentalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Senna pendula var. glabrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 4873
Voucher: 4873
Senna pendula var. glabrata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 4873 4873
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Serenoa repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sesuvium maritimum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Sesuvium maritimum
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Sesuvium portulacastrum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sesuvium portulacastrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Setaria macrosperma
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Setaria macrosperma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Setaria parviflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Setaria parviflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Setaria pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Setaria pumila
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Seutera angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Seutera angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Sida acuta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sida acuta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sida elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sida elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sida rhombifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sida rhombifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1887
Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1887
Scientific Name: Sideroxylon salicifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sideroxylon salicifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Simarouba glauca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1322
Simarouba glauca
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1322
Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium nashii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Sisyrinchium nashii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Smilax auriculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Smilax auriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Smilax bona-nox
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Smilax bona-nox
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Smilax havanensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1520
Smilax havanensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1520
Scientific Name: Smilax laurifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Smilax laurifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Solanum americanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Solanum americanum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Solanum bahamense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Solanum bahamense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Solanum donianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 20560
Solanum donianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 20560
Scientific Name: Solanum erianthum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Solanum erianthum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Solanum lycopersicum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Solanum seaforthianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Solanum seaforthianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Solidago leavenworthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Solidago leavenworthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Solidago sempervirens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14892
Solidago sempervirens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14892
Scientific Name: Solidago stricta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Solidago stricta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Solidago tortifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4689
Voucher: 4689
Solidago tortifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4689 4689
Scientific Name: Sonchus oleraceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sonchus oleraceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Sorghastrum secundum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sorghastrum secundum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sorghum bicolor
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sorghum bicolor
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Spartina alterniflora var. glabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Spartina alterniflora var. glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Spartina bakeri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14696
Spartina bakeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14696
Scientific Name: Spartina patens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Spartina patens
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Spartina spartinae
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Spartina spartinae
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Spathodea campanulata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Spathodea campanulata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Spermacoce neoterminalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Spermacoce neoterminalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Spermacoce prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Spermacoce prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Spermacoce remota
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Spermacoce remota
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Spermacoce verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Spermacoce verticillata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sphagneticola trilobata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Sphagneticola trilobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Spigelia anthelmia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1534
Spigelia anthelmia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701 1534
Scientific Name: Sporobolus domingensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14696
Sporobolus domingensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14696
Scientific Name: Sporobolus indicus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sporobolus indicus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sporobolus junceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Sporobolus junceus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Sporobolus pyramidalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Sporobolus pyramidalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Sporobolus pyramidatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Sporobolus pyramidatus
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Sporobolus virginicus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14696
Sporobolus virginicus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14696
Scientific Name: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2259
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2259
Scientific Name: Stenaria nigricans var. floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Stenaria nigricans var. floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Stillingia sylvatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Stillingia sylvatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Stylisma villosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Stylisma villosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Stylosanthes hamata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Stylosanthes hamata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Suaeda linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Suaeda linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Suriana maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Suriana maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Swietenia mahagoni
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Swietenia mahagoni
Present Not Native, Naturalized Not Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Syagrus romanzoffiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21741
Syagrus romanzoffiana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21741
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum bahamense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Symphyotrichum bahamense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum carolinianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Symphyotrichum carolinianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum concolor
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Symphyotrichum concolor
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum tenuifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Symphyotrichum tenuifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Syngonium angustatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 4875
Voucher: 4875
Syngonium angustatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 4875 4875
Scientific Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Syngonium podophyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Syringodium filiforme
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Syringodium filiforme
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Syzygium cumini
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14696
Syzygium cumini
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14696
Scientific Name: Syzygium jambos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Syzygium jambos
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Tecoma capensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Tecoma capensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tecoma stans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 21701
Tecoma stans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 21701
Scientific Name: Tectaria fimbriata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tectaria fimbriata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tectaria heracleifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tectaria heracleifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tectaria incisa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Tectaria incisa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tephrosia corallicola
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54112
Tephrosia corallicola
Present Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Native 54112
Scientific Name: Tephrosia florida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tephrosia florida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tephrosia rugelii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14900
Tephrosia rugelii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14900
Scientific Name: Tephrosia spicata
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 14900
Tephrosia spicata
Doubtfully Present 14900
Scientific Name: Terminalia buceras
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Terminalia buceras
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Terminalia catappa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tetrazygia bicolor
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Tetrazygia bicolor
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Thalassia testudinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Thalassia testudinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Thelypteris augescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Thelypteris augescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Thelypteris kunthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Thelypteris kunthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Thelypteris opulenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 52483
Thelypteris opulenta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52483
Scientific Name: Thelypteris ovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Thelypteris ovata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Thelypteris patens var. patens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native, Extirpated, now Reintroduced
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 55358
Voucher: 54329
Thelypteris patens var. patens
Present Native, Extirpated, now Reintroduced Not Introduced Native Cultivated 55358 54329
Scientific Name: Thelypteris reptans var. reptans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Thelypteris reptans var. reptans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Thespesia populnea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Thespesia populnea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Thrinax radiata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Thrinax radiata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Thunbergia fragrans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Thunbergia fragrans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia balbisiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2067
Tillandsia balbisiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2067
Scientific Name: Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1519
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1519
Scientific Name: Tillandsia flexuosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia flexuosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia paucifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia paucifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia recurvata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia recurvata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia setacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 2068
Tillandsia setacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 2068
Scientific Name: Tillandsia usneoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia usneoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia utriculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia utriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tillandsia variabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tillandsia variabilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tournefortia gnaphalodes
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tournefortia gnaphalodes
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tournefortia hirsutissima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tournefortia hirsutissima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Toxicodendron radicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Toxicodendron radicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tradescantia spathacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Tradescantia spathacea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tradescantia zebrina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Tradescantia zebrina
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Tragia saxicola
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1427
Tragia saxicola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1427
Scientific Name: Tragia urens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tragia urens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Trema floridanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Trema floridanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Trichilia hirta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 18413
Trichilia hirta
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced 18413
Scientific Name: Trichostema dichotomum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Trichostema dichotomum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tridax procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Tridax procumbens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Tridens flavus var. flavus
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54112
Voucher: 19125
Tridens flavus var. flavus
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 54112 19125
Scientific Name: Triglochin striata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Triglochin striata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Triphora gentianoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Triphora gentianoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tripsacum dactyloides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Tripsacum dactyloides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Tripsacum floridanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 1498
Tripsacum floridanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 1498
Scientific Name: Triumfetta semitriloba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4688
Triumfetta semitriloba
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701 4688
Scientific Name: Tropidia polystachya
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 21741
Tropidia polystachya
Recorded as Present in Error 21741
Scientific Name: Turnera ulmifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Turnera ulmifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Typha domingensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Typha domingensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Urena lobata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Urena lobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Urochloa adspersa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Urochloa adspersa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Urochloa distachya
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Urochloa distachya
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Urochloa fusca
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 51204
Urochloa fusca
Reported 51204
Scientific Name: Vaccinium myrsinites
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vaccinium myrsinites
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vachellia choriophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 10813
Vachellia choriophylla
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 10813
Scientific Name: Vachellia farnesiana var. pinetorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voucher: 4680
Vachellia farnesiana var. pinetorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701 4680
Scientific Name: Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vanilla planifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 52649
Voucher: 52649
Vanilla planifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Formerly Cultivated 52649 52649
Scientific Name: Verbena bonariensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 21701
Verbena bonariensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 21701
Scientific Name: Verbena brasiliensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Verbena brasiliensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Verbena scabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Verbena scabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Verbesina virginica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Verbesina virginica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vernonia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vernonia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Veronica peregrina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Veronica peregrina
Present Native Not Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Vicia acutifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Vicia acutifolia
Present Native Not Introduced
Scientific Name: Vigna adenantha
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 52271
Voucher: 52271
Vigna adenantha
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 52271 52271
Scientific Name: Vigna luteola
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vigna luteola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vitex trifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 42308
Vitex trifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 42308
Scientific Name: Vitis aestivalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vitis aestivalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vitis cinerea var. floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21351
Vitis cinerea var. floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21351
Scientific Name: Vitis rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vitis rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vitis shuttleworthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vitis shuttleworthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Vittaria lineata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Vittaria lineata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Voyria parasitica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Voyria parasitica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Waltheria indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Waltheria indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Washingtonia robusta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Washingtonia robusta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Ximenia americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Ximenia americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Youngia japonica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Youngia japonica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Yucca aloifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Yucca aloifolia
Present Native Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Zamia furfuracea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Zamia furfuracea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced
Scientific Name: Zamia integrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Zamia integrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum fagara
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 21701
Zanthoxylum fagara
Present Native Not Introduced Native 21701
Scientific Name: Zeuxine strateumatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 21701
Zeuxine strateumatica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 21701
Scientific Name: Zornia bracteata
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54112
Zornia bracteata
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 54112
Scientific Name: Zoysia matrella var. matrella
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Reference Number: 50198
Zoysia matrella var. matrella
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 50198
Scientific Name: Zoysia matrella var. pacifica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Zoysia matrella var. pacifica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced

References for Deering Estate at Cutler:
Anonymous. 1993. Vascular plant inventory. Deering Coastal Addition, Metropolitan Dade County Environmentally Endangered Lands site evaluation report.
Avery, G.N. 1983. Botanical notes of George Avery, south Florida botanist 1922 - 1983. Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives.
Avery, G.N. 1983. Botanical notes of George Avery, south Florida botanist 1922 - 1983. Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives.
Avery, G.N. 1983. Botanical notes of George Avery, south Florida botanist 1922 - 1983. Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives.
Avery, G.N. 1983. Botanical notes of George Avery, south Florida botanist 1922 - 1983. Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives.
Avery, G.N. 1983. Botanical notes of George Avery, south Florida botanist 1922 - 1983. Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives. Notes on Asplenium erosum at Deering Cutler Hammock, Miami-Dade County, Fl. 22 Dec 1975.
Bradley s.n., FTG
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. December 10, 1994.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. December 24, 1994.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. October 14, 1994.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. October 14, 1994.
Bradley, K.A. 1996. Observations of vascular plants at The Charles Deering Estate Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Bradley, K.A. 1998. Observations of vascular plants at the Charles Deering Estate Outparcel, Dade County, Florida. Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Bradley, K.A. 2000. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Dade County, Florida. 4 March 2000. The Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Bradley, K.A. 2001. Observations of Ctenitis submarginalis at the Charles Deering Estate. 30 January 2001. Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Bradley, K.A. 2001. Observations of Thelypteris patens at the Charles Deering Estate. 30 January 2001. Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Bradley, K.A. & A. Warren-Bradley 2003. Observation of Vitex trifolia at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. October 4, 2003. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 19 June 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 24 December 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 26 July 1994. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1997. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1998. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 1999. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Estate at Cutler in Dade County, Florida. 6 September 1999. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A. 2001. Observations of vascular plants at the Deering Slough, Deering Estate at Cutler in Miami-Dade County, Florida. 14 June 2001. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Bradley, K.A., & R.L. Hammer. 1995. Checklist of vascular plants, Charles Deering Estate, Miami, Dade County, Florida.
Bradley, K.A., & R.L. Hammer. 1998. Checklist of vascular plants, Charles Deering Estate, Miami, Dade County, Florida.
Correll, D.S., and J. Popenoe. 1985. The Deering Estate lists compiled by Drs. D. Correll & J. Popenoe, typed by Linda Duever. Distributed 8/85 by R. Hammer to Dade County Native Plant Workshop.
Fairchild Tropical Garden. 1990. Vascular plant inventory, Deering Estate. Revised 12/31/90. Miami: Fairchild Tropical Garden.
Fairchild Tropical Garden. 1991. Vascular plant inventory, Deering Estate. Revised 12/31/90 by Fairchild Tropical Garden.
Fairchild Tropical Garden. 1992. Vascular plant inventory, Charles Deering Estate.
Frade N (2022) Observation of Desmodium incanum at Deering Estate on 4 March 2022, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #53898.
Gann, G.D. 1992. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Dade County, Florida. Ecohorizons, Inc. Miami, Florida.
Gann, G.D. 1994. Observations of vascular plants at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Dade County, Florida. Ecohorizons, Inc. Miami, Florida.
Gann, G.D., & K.A. Bradley. 2000. Observations of vascular plants athe the Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. 24 October 2000. Insitute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Gann, G.D., K.A. Bradley & S.W. Woodmansee. 2001. Revisions of taxonomic names based upon observations and literature by others. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Guala II, G.F. 1993. The flora of Chicken Key, Dade County, Florida: before and after Hurricane Andrew. Sida 15(3): 519-526.
Hammer, R.L. 2013. Observations of Vanilla planifolia at Deering Estate in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA in Mar 2013.
Hammer, R.L. 2003. Observation of Basiphyllaea corallicola at Charles Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. October 6, 2003. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Hammer, R.L. Photograph voucher of Basiphyllaea corallicola at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 10 Oct 2014.
Hazelton, D. 2007. Observation of Ochrosia elliptica at Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, FL. 16 March 2007. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
iNaturalist (2020) Observation of Eugenia rhombea  in Deering Estate at Cutler at Miami-Dade County on 9 Jul 2020, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54185.
McKinley, J., and B. Burns. 1983. Plants of the Deering Estate, Cutler (as of September 1, 1978). In files of The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Possley J (2018) Photographic voucher of Vanilla planifolia at Deering Estate in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 29 November 2018. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #52649. Link to photographic voucher.
Possley J (2022) Email communication to George D. Gann concerning multiple species in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 5 Nov 2022. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54112.
Possley J (2022) Review notes for 20-year revision of Rare Plants of South Florida. Email communication.
Possley, J. 2017. Email communication from J. Possley concerning Vanilla planifolia at Deering Estate in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 23 Mar 2017.
Possley, J. Observation of Linum carteri var. carteri at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 17 Oct 2014. Email Communication 17 Oct 2014.
Small, J.K. 1916. Preliminary list of plants found in Addison Hammock, Cutler, Florida, up to 1916. Letter to Charles Deering. March 24, 1916. Miami: in Fairchild Tropical Garden Archives.
Small, J.K. 1922. Wild pumpkins. J. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 19-23.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service. 1999. South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan. Atlanta: United States Fish & Wildlife Service.
Warren, A. 2013. Report of Antidesma bunius at Deering Estate at Cutler. Personal communication, June 06, 2013
Warren-Bradley, A., D. Hazelton & J. Possley. 2004. Email communication with K.A. Bradley. 5 January 2004. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Warren-Bradley, Alice. 2003. Personal communication on 25 March 2003 via email regarding Lygodium microphyllum at Deering Estate at Cutler. The Institute for Regional Conservation. Miami, Florida.
Woodmansee, S.W. 2003. Personal observations of Polygala smallii at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida. August 2003. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.

Vouchers for Deering Estate at Cutler:
Bradley 2177, FTG
Avery 349, FLAS
Avery 491, USF
Bellinger 673, USF
Bradley & Warren 1641, FTG
Bradley 131, FTG
Bradley 1323, FTG
Bradley 1323, USF
Bradley 2120, FTG. Voucher of Cyrtomium falcatum in Miami-Dade County.
Bradley 406, FTG. Voucher of Acacia pinetorumat at Charles Deering Estate. 1995. Link to specimen.
Bradley 407, FTG
Bradley 408, FTG
Bradley 409, FTG
Bradley 410, FTG
Bradley 411, FTG
Bradley 418, FTG
Bradley 419, FTG
Bradley 420, FTG
Bradley 422, FTG
Bradley 423, FTG
Bradley 426, FTG
Bradley 61, FTG
Bradley 647, FTG
Bradley 648, FTG
Bradley 649, FTG
Bradley 675, FTG
Bradley 693, FTG
Bradley 694, FTG
Bradley 695, FTG
Bradley 696, FTG
Bradley 697, FTG
Bradley 698, FTG
Bradley 699, FTG
Bradley KA (2002) Voucher of Thelypteris patens var. patens at the Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 22 Feb 2002. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54329. Link to Voucher.
Bradley KA (2002) Voucher of Thelypteris patens var. patens  at the Deering Estate at Cutler at Miami-Dade County on 22 Feb 2002, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54141.
Bradley s.n., FTG
Bradley s.n., FTG
Bradley s.n., FTG
Bradley s.n., FTG
Correll & Correll 41530, FTG
Correll & Correll 41534, FTG
Correll & Correll 41535, FTG
Correll & Correll 41536, FTG
Correll & Correll 41541, FTG
Correll & Correll 41545, FTG
Correll & Correll 41879, FTG
Correll & Correll 47038, FTG
Correll & Correll 47040, FTG
Correll & Correll 47052, FTG
Correll & Correll 47053, FTG
Correll & Correll 47057, FTG
Correll & Correll 47061, FTG
Correll & Correll 47063, FTG
Correll & Correll 47064, FTG
Correll & Correll 47064, NY
Correll & Correll 47069, FTG
Correll & Correll 47070, FTG
Correll & Correll 47071, FTG
Correll & Correll 47072, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 41876, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 41877, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 41883, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 47216, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 47577, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 47586, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 47587, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49756, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49758, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49775, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49794, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49801, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49802, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49803, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49810, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49821, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49824, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49825, NY
Correll & Popenoe 49826, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49831, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49833, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49836, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49837, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49838, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49845, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 49846, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 50073, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 50074, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 50081, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 50085, FTG
Correll & Popenoe 50101, FTG
Correll 47603, NY
Correll 47604, FTG
Correll 47604, NY
Correll 47612, FTG
Correll 47616, FTG
Correll et al. 49829, FTG
Correll, D.S. and J. Popenoe. 47216. FTG. Voucher of Vanilla planifolia at Deering Estate in Miami-Dade County, USA on 15 May 1976.
Craighead s.n., ENP
D. Hazelton s.n. FTG. Voucher of Lygodium microphyllum at Deering Estate at Cutler. 2003.
Darling s.n., FTG
Hammer et al. s.n., FTG
Hazelton, D. s.n. USF. Voucher of Vigna adenantha at Deering Estate at Cutler in Miami-Dade County on 14 Jan 2007. Link to specimen.
Hill 2695, FTG
Hill 2696, FTG
Lippincott s.n., FTG
Lott 1440, FLAS
McCartney 55, SEL
Nauman & Schwartz 1767, FTG
Nauman & Schwartz 1768, FTG
Nauman & Schwartz 1769, FTG
Nauman & Schwartz 1770, FTG
Nauman & Schwartz 1771, FTG
Possely et al., 56, FTG
Possley, J. 169. FTG. Voucher of Thelypteris opulenta at The Deering Estate in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA on 28 Aug 2015.
Possley, J. 90 FTG (with Dallas Hazelton). Voucher of Fimbristylis caroliniana at Deering Estate at Cutler. 24 Jul 2007.
Richmond s.n., NY
Small 12748,
Small 7983, NY
Small 7983, US
Small 7984, NY
Small et al. 11103, NY
Small et al. 11104, NY
Small et al. s.n., NY
Small et al. s.n., NY
Small et al. s.n., NY
Small et al. s.n., NY
Small et al. s.n., NY
Small et al. s.n., USF
Small s.n., NY
Small s.n., NY
Small s.n., USF
Tomlinson 10-V-67C, FTG
Tomlinson 10-V-67D, FTG
Tomlinson 15-VII-70B, FTG
Woodmansee and Sadle, 1251, FTG