Natives For Your Neighborhood Florida Statewide Plant List
Plants in Monroe (Keys) County
Below is a list of cultivated native plants for this ZIP code. These plants, all within their natural range in this geographic area, are appropriate for use in landscaping here. By planting these native species, you can not only create a low-maintenance and sustainable landscape to enjoy, but you will also increase your contribution to the conservation and restoration of Florida’s environment. (For more on this, click here.)
To take gardening with natives a step further, you can learn about the native plant habitats that are appropriate for your area (click the back button to view a list of those habitats where available). As of 2022, these lists are available for South Florida, and for some coastal upland ecosystems along the east coast. Where available, you can choose a habitat, and view a list of plants for that specific habitat or native ecosystem. This way, you can try your hand at restoring a native plant ecosystem in your yard or at a project site. Habitat lists also include some hard to grow natives and natives with narrow habitat requirements, such as strictly coastal or rare species, that may not be included on your main zip code list.
To view detailed information, including the horticultural requirements and landscaping uses of the plants as well as photos for most species, click on any plant name.
This county list is useful for:
· Street, highway, and other roadside plantings
· Parking lot plantings
· General native plant projects requiring only common native species
· Large-scale countywide plantings
The ZIP code plant lists (found by entering your ZIP code at left) are useful for:
· Home, school, and office plantings
· Ecological restoration and rehabilitation
projects (see also habitat lists)
· Planting projects in and near conservation areas and parks
· Mitigation projects
Widely cultivated |
Cultivated at native plant nurseries |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Black ironwood  |
Krugiodendron ferreum |
Black mangrove  |
Avicennia germinans |
Blolly, Beeftree  |
Guapira discolor |
Buttonwood  |
Conocarpus erectus |
Cabbage palm  |
Sabal palmetto |
Cinnamon bark, Pepper cinnamon  |
Canella winterana |
Common torchwood, Sea torchwood  |
Amyris elemifera |
Crabwood, Oysterwood  |
Gymnanthes lucida |
Darlingplum  |
Reynosia septentrionalis |
Everglades velvetseed, Hammock velvetseed |
Guettarda elliptica |
Florida fiddlewood  |
Citharexylum spinosum |
Green thatch palm, Florida thatch palm  |
Thrinax radiata |
Gumbo-limbo  |
Bursera simaruba |
Inkwood, Butterbough  |
Exothea paniculata |
Jamaica caper-tree  |
Quadrella cynophallophora |
Jamaica-dogwood, Florida fishpoison tree  |
Piscidia piscipula |
Key thatch palm, Brittle thatch palm, Silver thatch palm  |
Leucothrinax morrisii |
Lignumvitae, Holywood lignumvitae  |
Guaiacum sanctum |
Milkbark, Whitewood  |
Drypetes diversifolia |
Paradisetree  |
Simarouba glauca |
Pigeonplum, Tietongue  |
Coccoloba diversifolia |
Red mangrove  |
Rhizophora mangle |
Saffronplum  |
Sideroxylon celastrinum |
Satinleaf  |
Chrysophyllum oliviforme |
Seagrape  |
Coccoloba uvifera |
Short-leaf fig, Wild banyan tree  |
Ficus citrifolia |
Smooth strongback, Bahama strongbark  |
Bourreria succulenta |
Spanish stopper, Boxleaf stopper  |
Eugenia foetida |
Strangler fig, Golden fig  |
Ficus aurea |
White mangrove  |
Laguncularia racemosa |
White stopper  |
Eugenia axillaris |
Wild dilly  |
Manilkara jaimiqui subsp. emarginata |
Wild-lime, Lime prickly-ash  |
Zanthoxylum fagara |
Wild-tamarind, False tamarind  |
Lysiloma latisiliquum |
Willow-bustic, White bully  |
Sideroxylon salicifolium |
Shrubs and Woody Groundcovers
Bahama nightshade |
Solanum bahamense |
Baycedar  |
Suriana maritima |
Beach-creeper, Golden-creeper, Coughbush  |
Ernodea littoralis |
Beach-elder, Seacoast marshelder  |
Iva imbricata |
Blacktorch  |
Erithalis fruticosa |
Cat’s-claw, Catclaw blackbead  |
Pithecellobium unguis-cati |
Christmasberry, Carolina desertthorn  |
Lycium carolinianum |
Common snowberry, Milkberry  |
Chiococca alba |
Florida Keys blackbead  |
Pithecellobium keyense |
Green sea-oxeye-daisy, Tree seaside oxeye  |
Borrichia arborescens |
Inkberry, Beachberry, Gullfeed  |
Scaevola plumieri |
Joewood  |
Jacquinia keyensis |
Limber caper, Bayleaf capertree  |
Cynophalla flexuosa |
Marlberry  |
Ardisia escallonioides |
Pearlberry, Tearshrub  |
Vallesia antillana |
Red stopper  |
Eugenia rhombea |
Rhacoma, Maidenberry  |
Crossopetalum rhacoma |
Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle  |
Baccharis halimifolia |
Saltwort, Turtleweed |
Batis maritima |
Sea-lavender, Sea-rosemary  |
Tournefortia gnaphalodes |
Sevenyear-apple  |
Casasia clusiifolia |
Silver sea-oxeye-daisy, Bushy seaside oxeye  |
Borrichia frutescens |
White indigoberry  |
Randia aculeata |
Wild cotton, Upland cotton |
Gossypium hirsutum |
Wild-sage, Buttonsage  |
Lantana involucrata |
Yellow necklacepod |
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata |
Vines and Climbers
Grasses, sedges, and rushes
Larges grasses, sedges, and rushes
Terrestrial wildflowers
Blue porterweed, Joee  |
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis |
Candyweed, Showy milkwort |
Polygala violacea |
False-mint, Sixangle foldwing  |
Dicliptera sexangularis |
Mangrove spiderlily, Perfumed spiderlily  |
Hymenocallis latifolia |
Marsh gentian, Seaside gentian, Catchfly prairie-gentian |
Eustoma exaltatum |
Narrowleaf yellowtops  |
Flaveria linearis |
Perennial sea-purslane, Shoreline seapurslane  |
Sesuvium portulacastrum |
Poeppig’s rosemallow |
Hibiscus poeppigii |
Samphire, Silverhead  |
Blutaparon vermiculare |
Snow squarestem  |
Melanthera nivea |
Sweetscent |
Pluchea odorata |
Tea-blinkum, Sanddune cinchweed  |
Pectis glaucescens |
Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Frogfruit  |
Phyla nodiflora |
Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace  |
Bacopa monnieri |
Whitemouth dayflower |
Commelina erecta |
Yellow joyweed |
Alternanthera flavescens |
Other terrestrial groundcovers
Large ferns