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Natives For Your Neighborhood Florida Statewide Plant List

Plants in Charlotte County

Below is a list of cultivated native plants for this ZIP code. These plants, all within their natural range in this geographic area, are appropriate for use in landscaping here. By planting these native species, you can not only create a low-maintenance and sustainable landscape to enjoy, but you will also increase your contribution to the conservation and restoration of Florida’s environment. (For more on this, click here.)

To take gardening with natives a step further, you can learn about the native plant habitats that are appropriate for your area (click the back button to view a list of those habitats where available). As of 2022, these lists are available for South Florida, and for some coastal upland ecosystems along the east coast. Where available, you can choose a habitat, and view a list of plants for that specific habitat or native ecosystem. This way, you can try your hand at restoring a native plant ecosystem in your yard or at a project site. Habitat lists also include some hard to grow natives and natives with narrow habitat requirements, such as strictly coastal or rare species, that may not be included on your main zip code list.

To view detailed information, including the horticultural requirements and landscaping uses of the plants as well as photos for most species, click on any plant name.

This county list is useful for:

· Street, highway, and other roadside plantings
· Parking lot plantings
· General native plant projects requiring only common native species
· Large-scale countywide plantings

The ZIP code plant lists (found by entering your ZIP code at left) are useful for:
· Home, school, and office plantings · Ecological restoration and rehabilitation projects (see also habitat lists)
· Planting projects in and near conservation areas and parks
· Mitigation projects

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Widely cultivated
Cultivated at native plant nurseries
Common Name Scientific Name

Cabbage palm  Sabal palmetto
Coastal Plain willow  Salix caroliniana
South Florida slash pine  Pinus elliottii var. densa
Strangler fig, Golden fig  Ficus aurea
Virginia live oak  Quercus virginiana
Wild-lime, Lime prickly-ash  Zanthoxylum fagara

Shrubs and Woody Groundcovers
American beautyberry  Callicarpa americana
Common snowberry, Milkberry  Chiococca alba
Coralbean, Cherokee bean  Erythrina herbacea
Gopher-apple  Licania michauxii
Marlberry  Ardisia escallonioides
Myrsine, Colicwood  Myrsine cubana
Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle  Baccharis halimifolia
Saw palmetto  Serenoa repens
Shiny-leaved wild coffee  Psychotria nervosa
Silverling Baccharis glomeruliflora
Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry  Myrica cerifera

Vines and Climbers
Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine  Mikania scandens
Corkystem passionflower  Passiflora suberosa
Everglades morningglory  Ipomoea sagittata
Muscadine, Muscadine grape  Vitis rotundifolia
Spurred butterfly-pea Centrosema virginianum
Virginia-creeper, Woodbine  Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Grasses, sedges, and rushes
Elliott’s love grass  Eragrostis elliottii
Starrush whitetop  Rhynchospora colorata

Larges grasses, sedges, and rushes
Eastern gamagrass, Fakahatchee grass  Tripsacum dactyloides
Saw-grass, Jamaica swamp sawgrass  Cladium jamaicense

Terrestrial wildflowers
American bluehearts Buchnera americana
Bulltongue arrowhead, lance-leaved arrowhead  Sagittaria lancifolia
Camphorweed Heterotheca subaxillaris
Candyweed, Showy milkwort Polygala violacea
Coastalplain goldenaster  Chrysopsis scabrella
Forked bluecurls  Trichostema dichotomum
Leavenworth’s tickseed  Coreopsis leavenworthii
Oakleaf fleabane, Southern fleanbane Erigeron quercifolius
Pineland heliotrope Heliotropium polyphyllum
Pink purslane, Kiss-me-quick  Portulaca pilosa
Purple thistle  Cirsium horridulum
Rosy camphorweed  Pluchea baccharis
Sweetscent Pluchea odorata
Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Frogfruit  Phyla nodiflora
Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace  Bacopa monnieri
Whitemouth dayflower Commelina erecta

Large terrestrial wildflowers
Virginia saltmarsh mallow  Kosteletzkya pentacarpos

Ferns and similar
Swamp fern, Toothed midsorus fern  Blechnum serrulatum

Large ferns
Giant leather fern  Acrostichum danaeifolium

Ball-moss Tillandsia recurvata
Florida butterfly orchid Encyclia tampensis
Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant Tillandsia utriculata
Golden polypody  Phlebodium aureum
Reflexed wild-pine Tillandsia balbisiana
Resurrection fern Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Spanish-moss Tillandsia usneoides
Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica

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Jay Bird - @BotanizingBirdingButterflies

Florida Native Plant Nursery