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Babcock Ranch Preserve
County: Charlotte County
Size: 67620.09 acres
Latitude: 26.857º Longitude: -81.651º
Notes: Most of this protected area was part of the Babcock Private Ranch.
Managing Agency: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service

There are 357 taxa reported for
Babcock Ranch Preserve

Group By Family:

Scientific Name: Occurrence: Native Status: Introduced Status: Invasive Status: Cultivated Status: Reference: Voucher:
Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Acacia auriculiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Acacia auriculiformis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Acer rubrum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Acer rubrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Acmella oppositifolia var. repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Acmella oppositifolia var. repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Acrostichum danaeifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Acrostichum danaeifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Agalinis fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Agalinis fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Aletris lutea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Aletris lutea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Amaranthus spinosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Amaranthus spinosus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Ampelopsis arborea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ampelopsis arborea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Annona glabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Annona glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Aristida palustris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Aristida palustris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Aristida purpurascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Aristida purpurascens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Aristida purpurascens var. virgata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54105
Aristida purpurascens var. virgata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54105
Scientific Name: Aristida spiciformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Aristida spiciformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Aristida stricta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Aristida stricta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Arnoglossum ovatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Arnoglossum ovatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Asclepias curassavica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Asclepias feayi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52805
Asclepias feayi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52805
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Asclepias tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Asimina reticulata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Asimina reticulata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Axonopus compressus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Axonopus compressus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Axonopus furcatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Axonopus furcatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Baccharis glomeruliflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Baccharis glomeruliflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Baccharis halimifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Bacopa caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Bacopa caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Bacopa monnieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Bejaria racemosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Bejaria racemosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Berchemia scandens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Berchemia scandens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Bigelowia nudata subsp. australis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Bigelowia nudata subsp. australis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Blechnum serrulatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Blechnum serrulatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Boehmeria cylindrica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Boehmeria cylindrica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Boltonia diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Boltonia diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Buchnera americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Buchnera americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Burmannia biflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54169
Burmannia biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54169
Scientific Name: Callicarpa americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Callicarpa americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Caperonia castaneifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Caperonia castaneifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Carex lupuliformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Carex lupuliformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Carex verrucosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Carex verrucosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Carex vexans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Carex vexans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Carica papaya
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Carica papaya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Carphephorus carnosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Carphephorus carnosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Carphephorus corymbosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Carphephorus corymbosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cassytha filiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Cassytha filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Centella asiatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Centella asiatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ceratopteris thalictroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Chaptalia tomentosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Chaptalia tomentosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Chrysopsis mariana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54107
Chrysopsis mariana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54107
Scientific Name: Cirsium horridulum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cirsium horridulum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cirsium nuttallii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cirsium nuttallii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cladium jamaicense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cladium jamaicense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Clematis baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Clematis baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Coelorachis rugosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Coelorachis rugosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Commelina erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Commelina erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Conoclinium coelestinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Conoclinium coelestinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Conyza canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51231
Conyza canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 51231
Scientific Name: Coreopsis leavenworthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Coreopsis leavenworthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Crotalaria rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Crotalaria rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Cuphea carthagenensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Cuphea carthagenensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51231
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51231
Scientific Name: Cyperus blepharoleptos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51232
Cyperus blepharoleptos
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51232
Scientific Name: Cyperus haspan
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Cyperus haspan
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Cyperus ligularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cyperus ligularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cyperus odoratus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cyperus odoratus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Cyperus polystachyos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Cyperus polystachyos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Cyperus surinamensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Cyperus surinamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Dalea carnea var. carnea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Dalea carnea var. carnea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Deeringothamnus pulchellus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Deeringothamnus pulchellus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Dendrophylax porrectus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Dendrophylax porrectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Desmodium mauritianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Desmodium mauritianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium aciculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Dichanthelium aciculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ensifolium var. ensifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. ensifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium erectifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Dichanthelium erectifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium portoricense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Dichanthelium portoricense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Digitaria violascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Digitaria violascens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Diodia virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Diodia virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Diospyros virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Diospyros virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Drosera capillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Drosera capillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Drymaria cordata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Drymaria cordata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Echinochloa walteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Echinochloa walteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eclipta prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eleocharis baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Eleocharis baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Elephantopus elatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Elephantopus elatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eleusine indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Eleusine indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Elionurus tripsacoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Elionurus tripsacoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Encyclia tampensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Encyclia tampensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eragrostis atrovirens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Eragrostis atrovirens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Eragrostis elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eragrostis elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Erechtites hieraciifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Erechtites hieraciifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Erigeron quercifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Erigeron quercifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Erigeron vernus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Erigeron vernus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eriocaulon compressum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Eriocaulon compressum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Eriocaulon decangulare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Eriocaulon decangulare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Eryngium baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eryngium baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eryngium yuccifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Eryngium yuccifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Eupatorium capillifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Eupatorium capillifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Eupatorium leptophyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eupatorium leptophyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eupatorium mikanioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Eupatorium mikanioides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Eupatorium mohrii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eupatorium mohrii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eupatorium serotinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Eupatorium serotinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Euphorbia inundata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Euphorbia inundata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Euphorbia polyphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Euphorbia polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eustachys glauca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eustachys glauca
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Eustachys petraea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Eustachys petraea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Euthamia caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Euthamia caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Evolvulus sericeus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Evolvulus sericeus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis spadicea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Fimbristylis spadicea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Flaveria linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Flaveria linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Fuirena scirpoidea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Fuirena scirpoidea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Funastrum clausum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Funastrum clausum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Galactia elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Galactia elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Galactia regularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Galactia regularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Galactia volubilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Galactia volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Galium bermudense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Galium bermudense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Gaylussacia dumosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Gaylussacia dumosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Gratiola pilosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54105
Gratiola pilosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54105
Scientific Name: Gratiola ramosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Gratiola ramosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Gymnopogon chapmanianus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 53935
Voucher: 53935
Gymnopogon chapmanianus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 53935 53935
Scientific Name: Helenium pinnatifidum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Helenium pinnatifidum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Helianthus agrestis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Helianthus agrestis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Helianthus angustifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Helianthus angustifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Heliotropium polyphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Heliotropium polyphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hibiscus grandiflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Hibiscus grandiflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Hymenocallis palmeri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Hymenocallis palmeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Hypericum cistifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum cistifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hypericum fasciculatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum fasciculatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hypericum gentianoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Hypericum gentianoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Hypericum hypericoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum hypericoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hypericum mutilum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum mutilum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hypericum myrtifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum myrtifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hypericum reductum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Hypericum reductum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Hypericum tetrapetalum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hypericum tetrapetalum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Hyptis alata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Hyptis alata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ilex cassine
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ilex cassine
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ilex glabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ilex glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Imperata brasiliensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Imperata brasiliensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Imperata cylindrica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Imperata cylindrica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Ipomoea sagittata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ipomoea sagittata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Iva microcephala
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Iva microcephala
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Juncus effusus subsp. solutus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Juncus effusus subsp. solutus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Juncus marginatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Juncus marginatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Juncus megacephalus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Juncus megacephalus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Juncus paludosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Juncus paludosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Juncus repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Juncus repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Juncus scirpoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Juncus scirpoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Lachnanthes caroliana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Lachnanthes caroliana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Lachnocaulon anceps
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Lachnocaulon anceps
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51232
Lantana camara
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51232
Scientific Name: Lechea sessiliflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Lechea sessiliflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Lepidium virginicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Lepidium virginicum
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Licania michauxii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Licania michauxii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Lindernia grandiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Lindernia grandiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Linum medium var. texanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Linum medium var. texanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Lobelia glandulosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Lobelia glandulosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Ludwigia arcuata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Ludwigia arcuata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Ludwigia curtissii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ludwigia curtissii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ludwigia linifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Ludwigia linifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Ludwigia maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ludwigia maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ludwigia microcarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Ludwigia microcarpa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Ludwigia octovalvis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ludwigia octovalvis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ludwigia peruviana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Ludwigia peruviana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Ludwigia repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ludwigia repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Luziola fluitans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Luziola fluitans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Lycopus rubellus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Lycopus rubellus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Lygodesmia aphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Lygodesmia aphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Lygodium microphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Lygodium microphyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Lyonia fruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Lyonia fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Lyonia lucida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Lyonia lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Macroptilium lathyroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Macroptilium lathyroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Manihot esculenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Manihot esculenta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Melaleuca quinquenervia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Melanthera parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Melanthera parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Melochia spicata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Melochia spicata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Melothria pendula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Melothria pendula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Micranthemum umbrosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54215
Micranthemum umbrosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54215
Scientific Name: Mikania scandens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Mikania scandens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Mitreola petiolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Mitreola petiolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Mitreola sessilifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Mitreola sessilifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Muhlenbergia capillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Muhlenbergia capillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Myrica cerifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Myrica cerifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Myrsine cubana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Myrsine cubana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis biserrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Nephrolepis biserrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Nephrolepis brownii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51232
Nephrolepis brownii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51232
Scientific Name: Nothoscordum bivalve
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54064
Nothoscordum bivalve
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54064
Scientific Name: Nuphar lutea subsp. advena
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Nuphar lutea subsp. advena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Nymphoides aquatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Nymphoides aquatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54066
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54066
Scientific Name: Oenothera simulans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Oenothera simulans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Oldenlandia uniflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Oldenlandia uniflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Oxalis corniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Oxalis corniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Panicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Panicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Panicum hemitomon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Panicum hemitomon
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Panicum repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Panicum repens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Panicum rigidulum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Panicum rigidulum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Panicum tenerum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Panicum tenerum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Panicum virgatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Panicum virgatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Paspalum conjugatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Paspalum conjugatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Paspalum floridanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Paspalum floridanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Paspalum monostachyum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Paspalum monostachyum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Paspalum notatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Paspalum notatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Paspalum praecox
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Paspalum praecox
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Paspalum repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Paspalum repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Paspalum setaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Paspalum setaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Passiflora suberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Passiflora suberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Pentodon pentandrus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Pentodon pentandrus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Persea palustris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Persea palustris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Phlebodium aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Phlebodium aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Phyla nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Physalis walteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Physalis walteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Phytolacca americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Phytolacca americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Piloblephis rigida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Piloblephis rigida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Pinguicula lutea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54105
Pinguicula lutea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54105
Scientific Name: Pinus elliottii var. densa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Pinus elliottii var. densa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Pityopsis graminifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Pityopsis graminifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Pluchea baccharis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Pluchea baccharis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Pluchea odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Pluchea odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Polygala balduinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Polygala balduinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Polygala cymosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Polygala cymosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Polygala lutea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Polygala lutea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Polygala polygama
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54218
Voucher: 54218
Polygala polygama
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54218 54218
Scientific Name: Polygala setacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Polygala setacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Polygala violacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Polygala violacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Polygonum hydropiperoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Polygonum hydropiperoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Polygonum punctatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Polygonum punctatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Polypremum procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Polypremum procumbens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Pontederia cordata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Pontederia cordata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Proserpinaca palustris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Proserpinaca palustris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Proserpinaca pectinata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Proserpinaca pectinata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51232
Psidium guajava
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51232
Scientific Name: Psilotum nudum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Psilotum nudum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Pteridium pseudocaudatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Pteridium pseudocaudatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ptilimnium capillaceum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ptilimnium capillaceum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Quercus laurifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Quercus laurifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Quercus minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Quercus minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Quercus myrtifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Quercus myrtifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Quercus virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Quercus virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhexia mariana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhexia mariana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhexia nuttallii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhexia nuttallii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhus copallinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Rhus copallinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora colorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora colorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora divergens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora divergens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora globularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora globularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora inundata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Rhynchospora inundata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora microcarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora microcarpa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rhynchospora odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora plumosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Rhynchospora plumosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Rhynchospora tracyi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Rhynchospora tracyi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Richardia scabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Richardia scabra
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Ricinus communis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51231
Ricinus communis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51231
Scientific Name: Rorippa teres
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Rorippa teres
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Rubus trivialis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rubus trivialis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Rudbeckia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Ruellia succulenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Ruellia succulenta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sabal palmetto
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sabal palmetto
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sabatia grandiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Sabatia grandiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Sabatia stellaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sabatia stellaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sacciolepis indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Sacciolepis indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Sacciolepis striata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sacciolepis striata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sagittaria lancifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sagittaria lancifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Salix caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Salix caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Salvia lyrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Salvia lyrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Salvinia minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Salvinia minima
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Samolus ebracteatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Samolus ebracteatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Schinus terebinthifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Schinus terebinthifolius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium rhizomatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Schizachyrium rhizomatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Schoenolirion albiflorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Schoenolirion albiflorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Scleria baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Scleria baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Scleria ciliata var. ciliata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Scleria ciliata var. ciliata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Scleria georgiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Scleria georgiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Scleria reticularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Scleria reticularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Scoparia dulcis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51230
Scoparia dulcis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 51230
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Serenoa repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sesbania herbacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Sesbania herbacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Setaria parviflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Setaria parviflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sida rhombifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51232
Sida rhombifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51232
Scientific Name: Sideroxylon reclinatum subsp. reclinatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sideroxylon reclinatum subsp. reclinatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Smilax auriculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Smilax auriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Smilax bona-nox
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Smilax bona-nox
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Smilax laurifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Smilax laurifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Smilax tamnoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Smilax tamnoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Solanum viarum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51231
Solanum viarum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51231
Scientific Name: Solidago fistulosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Solidago fistulosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Solidago odora var. chapmanii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Solidago stricta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Solidago stricta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Solidago tortifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Solidago tortifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Sorghastrum secundum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Sorghastrum secundum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Spartina bakeri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Spartina bakeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Spermacoce remota
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Spermacoce remota
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Spermacoce verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 51231
Spermacoce verticillata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51231
Scientific Name: Sporobolus junceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Sporobolus junceus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Sporobolus pyramidalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Sporobolus pyramidalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51232
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51232
Scientific Name: Stillingia sylvatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Stillingia sylvatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum adnatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Symphyotrichum adnatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum carolinianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Symphyotrichum carolinianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Syzygium cumini
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Syzygium cumini
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Taxodium ascendens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Taxodium ascendens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Teucrium canadense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Teucrium canadense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Thalia geniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Thalia geniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Thelypteris interrupta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Thelypteris interrupta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Thelypteris kunthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Thelypteris kunthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tiedmannia filiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tiedmannia filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia balbisiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia balbisiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia paucifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia paucifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia recurvata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia recurvata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia setacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia setacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia usneoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia usneoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Tillandsia utriculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Tillandsia utriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Tillandsia x smalliana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tillandsia x smalliana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Toxicodendron radicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Toxicodendron radicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Triadenum virginicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Triadenum virginicum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Tripsacum dactyloides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Tripsacum dactyloides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Typha domingensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Typha domingensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Urena lobata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Urena lobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Urochloa mutica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51230
Urochloa mutica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51230
Scientific Name: Vaccinium myrsinites
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Vaccinium myrsinites
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Vaccinium stamineum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Vaccinium stamineum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Verbena scabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Verbena scabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Vernonia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Vernonia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Viburnum obovatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Viburnum obovatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Viola lanceolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Viola lanceolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Viola palmata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Viola palmata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Vitis cinerea var. floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Vitis cinerea var. floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Vitis rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Vitis rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Vittaria lineata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Vittaria lineata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Woodwardia virginica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Woodwardia virginica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Xyris ambigua
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Xyris ambigua
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Xyris brevifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Xyris brevifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Xyris difformis var. floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51232
Xyris difformis var. floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51232
Scientific Name: Xyris elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Xyris elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Xyris fimbriata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54284
Xyris fimbriata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54284
Scientific Name: Xyris flabelliformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51230
Xyris flabelliformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51230
Scientific Name: Xyris smalliana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51231
Xyris smalliana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51231
Scientific Name: Zigadenus densus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 55440
Zigadenus densus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 55440

References for Babcock Ranch Preserve:
Bridges E (2019) Observation of Zigadensus densus in Babcock Ranch Preserve, Charlotte County on 29 Jan 2019. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #55440.
E Bridges (2019) Report of multiple species from sampling ecotone at Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 29 Jan 2019. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54105.
Folmar H (2019) Observation of Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 12 Sep 2019, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54066.
Horn J (2019) Observation of Gymnopogon chapmanianus  in Babcock Private Ranch at Charlotte County on 25 Nov 2019, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #53935.
Horn J (2019) Observation of Micranthemum umbrosum  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 25 Nov 2019, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54215.
Horn J (2019) Observation of Xyris fimbriata  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 25 Nov 2019, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54284.
Horn J (2020) Observation of Nothoscordum bivalve  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 20 Feb 2020, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54065.
Horn J (2022) Observation of Nothoscordum bivalve  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 17 Mar 2022, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54064.
iNaturalist (2019) Observation of Asclepias feayi at Babcock Ranch Preserve, Charlotte County, FL, USA on 01 May 2019, via iNaturalist. RefID #522803.
iNaturalist (2020) Observation of Asclepias feayi at Babcock Ranch Preserve, Charlotte County, FL, USA on 13 July 2020, via iNaturalist. RefID #522805.
iNaturalist (2020) Observation of Asclepias feayi  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 13 Jul 2020, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54193.
Nudo F (2019) Observation of Seriocarpus tortifolius at Hickey Creek Mitigation Park Wildlife and Environmental Area, Lee County, FL, USA on 15 September 2019, via iNaturalist. RefID #52765.
Woodmansee, S.W. 2006. Observations of vascular plants at Babcock Private Ranch, Charlotte County, Florida. 6 June 2006. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Woodmansee, S.W. 2006. Observations of vascular plants at Babcock Private Ranch, Charlotte County, Florida. 7 June 2006. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.
Woodmansee, S.W. 2006. Observations of vascular plants at Babcock Private Ranch, Charlotte County, Florida. 8 June 2006. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami, FL.

Vouchers for Babcock Ranch Preserve:
Abbott JR and K Gulledge (2008) Voucher of Polygala polygama  in Babcock Ranch Preserve in Lee County, Florida, USA on 9 May 2008. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54218. Link to Voucher.
Horn J (2019) Observation of Burmannia biflora  in Babcock Ranch Preserve at Charlotte County on 25 Nov 2019, via iNaturalist. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Delray Beach, FL. RefID #54169.