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Glades County

There are 492 taxa reported for Glades County.

Scientific Name: Common Names: Occurrence: Native Status:
Acacia retinodes Water wattle, Wirilda Presumed Present Not Native, Naturalized
Acalypha gracilens Slender threeseed mercury Native
Acer rubrum Red maple Native
Achyranthes aspera var. aspera Common Devil's-horsewhip Not Native, Naturalized
Acmella oppositifolia var. repens Oppositeleaf spotflower Native
Aeschynomene americana Shyleaf Native
Agalinis fasciculata Beach false foxglove Native
Alternanthera paronichyoides Smooth joyweed Not Native, Naturalized
Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed Not Native, Naturalized
Alternanthera sessilis Sessile joyweed Not Native, Naturalized
Amaranthus australis Southern water-hemp, Southern amaranth Native
Amaranthus retroflexus Red amaranth, Rough pigweed Not Native, Naturalized
Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common ragweed Native
Ammannia latifolia Pink redstem, Toothcup Native
Ampelopsis arborea Peppervine Native
Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum Blue-maidencane Native
Anagallis minima Chaffweed Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior Hairy bushy bluestem Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus Common bushy bluestem Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis Purple bluestem Native
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus Broomsedge bluestem Native
Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus Chalky bluestem Native
Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens Broomsedge bluestem Native
Annona glabra Pond-apple Native
Anredera cordifolia Heartleaf madeiravine Not Native, Naturalized
Argemone mexicana Mexican pricklypoppy Native
Aristida patula Tall threeawn Native
Aristida purpurascens Arrowfeather threeawn Native
Aristida spiciformis Bottlebrush threeawn Native
Asclepias feayi Florida milkweed Native
Asclepias incarnata Swamp milkweed Native
Asclepias lanceolata Fewflower milkweed Native
Asclepias pedicellata Savannah milkweed Native
Asimina obovata Flag pawpaw, Bigflower pawpaw Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Asimina reticulata Common pawpaw, Netted pawpaw Native
Axonopus compressus Tropical carpetgrass, Broadleaf carpetgrass Native
Axonopus furcatus Big carpetgrass Native
Azolla caroliniana Carolina Mosquito Fern Native
Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling Native
Baccharis halimifolia Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle Native
Bacopa caroliniana Lemon hyssop, Lemon bacopa, Blue waterhyssop Native
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace Native
Bartonia verna White screwstem Native
Bidens alba var. radiata Spanish-needles Native
Bidens mitis Smallfruit beggarticks Native
Blechnum serrulatum Swamp fern, Toothed midsorus fern Native
Boltonia diffusa Smallhead Doll's-daisy Native
Buchnera americana American bluehearts Native
Bulbostylis barbata Water-grass Not Native, Naturalized
Bulbostylis ciliatifolia Densetuft hairsedge Native
Cabomba caroliniana Carolina fanwort Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Calamintha ashei Ashe’s calamint Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Native
Callisia ornata Florida scrub roseling Native
Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophila Hedge bindweed, Hedge false bindweed Native
Campanula floridana Florida bellflower Native
Cardamine pensylvanica Pennsylvania bittercress Native
Carex lupuliformis Hop sedge Native
Carex vexans Florida hammock sedge Native
Carica papaya Papaya Native
Casuarina cunninghamiana Beefwood, River sheoak Not Native, Naturalized
Catharanthus roseus Madagascar-periwinkle Not Native, Naturalized
Celtis laevigata Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry Native
Cenchrus ciliaris Buffelgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Cenchrus incertus Coastal sandbur Native
Centrosema virginianum Spurred butterfly-pea Native
Ceratopteris pteridoides Water horn fern Reported
Ceratopteris thalictroides Watersprite Not Native, Naturalized
Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Chaerophyllum tainturieri Wild chervil, Hairyfruit chervil Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea Native
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera Hairy sensitive-pea, Hairy partridge-pea Native
Chapmannia floridana Alicia Native
Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea Not Native, Naturalized
Chrysobalanus icaco Coco-plum Native
Chrysopsis highlandsensis Highlands goldenaster Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Chrysopsis scabrella Coastalplain goldenaster Native
Cicuta maculata Spotted water-hemlock Native
Clematis baldwinii Pine-hyacinth Native
Coelorachis rugosa Wrinkled jointtail grass Native
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, Coco-yam Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina diffusa var. diffusa Common dayflower Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina erecta Whitemouth dayflower Native
Conoclinium coelestinum Blue mistflower Native
Conyza canadensis Dwarf Canadian horseweed Native
Coreopsis leavenworthii Leavenworth’s tickseed Native
Crocanthemum corymbosum Pinebarren frostweed Native
Crotalaria lanceolata Lanceleaf rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells Native
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis Vente conmigo Native
Croton michauxii Rushfoil, Michaux’s croton Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Cucurbita okeechobeensis subsp. okeechobeensis Okeechobee gourd Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Cuphea carthagenensis Colombian waxweed Not Native, Naturalized
Cuscuta pentagona Fiveangled dodder Native
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon Bermuda grass Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus blepharoleptos Cuban bulrush Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus compressus Poorland flatsedge Native
Cyperus croceus Baldwin’s flatsedge Native
Cyperus distinctus Swamp flatsedge Native
Cyperus flavescens Yellow flatsedge Native
Cyperus lecontei Leconte's flatsedge Native
Cyperus ligularis Swamp flatsedge Native
Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flatsedge Native
Cyperus ovatus Pinebarren flatsedge Native
Cyperus polystachyos Manyspike flatsedge Native
Cyperus strigosus Strawcolored flatsedge Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Cyperus tetragonus Fourangle flatsedge Native
Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crow's-foot grass, Durban crowfootgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Dendrophylax porrectus Needleroot airplant orchid Native
Descurainia pinnata Western tansymustard Native
Dichanthelium commutatum Variable witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium dichotomum Cypress witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum Cypress witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens Glabrescent roughhair witchgrass Native
Dichondra carolinensis Pony-foot, Carolina ponysfoot Native
Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis Shaggy crabgrass Native
Diodia virginiana Buttonweed, Virginia buttonweed Native
Diospyros virginiana Persimmon, Common persimmon Native
Drosera capillaris Pink sundew Native
Echinochloa walteri Coast cockspur Native
Eclipta prostrata False-daisy Native
Eichhornia crassipes Common water-hyacinth Not Native, Naturalized
Eleocharis baldwinii Baldwin’s spikerush, roadgrass Native
Eleocharis cellulosa Gulf Coast spikerush Native
Eleocharis geniculata Canada spikerush Native
Eleocharis interstincta Knotted spikerush Native
Eleocharis nigrescens Black spikerush Not Native, Naturalized
Eleocharis vivipara Viviparous spikerush Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Elephantopus elatus Tall elephant’s-foot Native
Encyclia tampensis Florida butterfly orchid Native
Eragrostis atrovirens Thalia love grass Not Native, Naturalized
Eragrostis elliottii Elliott’s love grass Native
Eragrostis gangetica Slimflower love grass Not Native, Naturalized
Eragrostis hypnoides Teal love grass Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Eragrostis spectabilis Purple love grass Native
Eragrostis virginica Coastal love grass Native
Erigeron quercifolius Oakleaf fleabane, Southern fleanbane Native
Erigeron vernus Early whitetop fleabane Native
Eriocaulon decangulare Tenangle pipewort Native
Eryngium baldwinii Baldwin’s eryngo Native
Eucalyptus grandis Grand eucalyptus Not Native, Naturalized
Eugenia uniflora Surinam-cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Eulophia alta Wild-coco Native
Eupatorium capillifolium Dog-fennel Native
Eupatorium mohrii Mohr's thoroughwort Native
Eupatorium serotinum Lateflowering thoroughwort Native
Euphorbia blodgettii Limestone sandmat Native
Euphorbia heterophylla Fiddler's spurge, Mexican fireplant Native
Euphorbia hirta Hairy spurge, Pillpod sandmat Native
Euphorbia hypericifolia Eyebane, Graceful sandmat Native
Euphorbia hyssopifolia Eyebane, Hyssopleaf sandmat Native
Euphorbia ophthalmica Florida hammock sandmat Native
Eustachys petraea Common fingergrass, Pinewoods fingergrass Native
Euthamia caroliniana Slender goldenrod Native
Evolvulus sericeus Silver dwarf morningglory Native
Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig Native
Fimbristylis autumnalis Slender fimbry Native
Fimbristylis caroliniana Carolina fimbry Native
Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricane sedge, Hurricanegrass Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis schoenoides Ditch fimbry Not Native, Naturalized
Flaveria linearis Narrowleaf yellowtops Native
Flaveria trinervia Annual yellowtops, Clustered yellowtops Native
Forestiera segregata Florida privet, Florida swampprivet Native
Fraxinus caroliniana Water ash, Carolina ash, Pop ash Native
Froelichia floridana Cottonweed, Plains snakecotton Native
Fuirena scirpoidea Southern umbrellasedge Native
Funastrum clausum Whitevine, White twinevine Native
Galactia elliottii Elliott's milkpea Native
Galactia regularis Eastern milkpea Native
Galium tinctorium Stiff marsh bedstraw Native
Gamochaeta antillana Cudweed, Narrowleaf purple everlasting Native
Gamochaeta pensylvanica Cudweed, Pennsylvania everlasting Native
Gamochaeta purpurea Purple cudweed, Spoonleaf purple everlasting Native
Gaylussacia dumosa Dwarf black-huckleberry, Dwarf huckleberry Native
Gomphrena serrata Globe-amaranth Not Native, Naturalized
Gratiola pilosa Shaggy hedgehyssop Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Gratiola ramosa Branched hedgehyssop Native
Habenaria floribunda Rein orchid, Toothpetal false reinorchid Native
Habenaria quinqueseta Longhorn false reinorchid Native
Habenaria repens Waterspider false reinorchid Native
Hedera helix English ivy Not Native, Cultivated Only
Helianthus agrestis Southeastern sunflower Native
Helianthus angustifolius Narroleaf sunflower, Swamp sunflower Native
Heliotropium polyphyllum Pineland heliotrope Native
Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Doubtfully Native
Heterotheca subaxillaris Camphorweed Native
Hibiscus grandiflorus Swamp hibiscus, Swamp rosemallow Native
Hieracium megacephalon Coastal plain hawkweed Native
Houstonia procumbens Innocence, Roundleaf bluet Native
Hydrilla verticillata Water-thyme Not Native, Naturalized
Hydrocotyle umbellata Manyflower marshpennywort Native
Hydrolea corymbosa Skyflower Native
Hymenachne amplexicaulis Trompetilla Not Native, Naturalized
Hymenocallis palmeri Alligatorlily Native
Hymenocallis tridentata Florida spiderlily Native
Hypericum cistifolium Roundpod St. John's-wort Native
Hypericum edisonianum Ardadian St. John's-wort Native
Hypericum fasciculatum Sandweed, Peelbark St. John’s-wort Native
Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew’s-cross Native
Hypericum mutilum Dwarf St. John's-wort Native
Hypericum myrtifolium Myrtleleaf St. John’s-wort Native
Hypericum reductum Atlantic St. John's-wort Native
Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. John’s-wort Native
Hypoxis curtissii Common yellow stargrass Native
Hypoxis juncea Fringed Yellow stargrass Native
Hyptis alata Musky mint, Clustered bushmint Native
Hyptis mutabilis Tropical bushmint Not Native, Naturalized
Hyptis pectinata Comb bushmint Not Native, Naturalized
Hyptis verticillata John Charles Not Native, Naturalized
Ilex cassine Dahoon holly, Dahoon Native
Ilex glabra Gallberry, Inkberry Native
Ilex opaca var. arenicola Scrub holly Native
Indigofera hirsuta Hairy indigo Not Native, Naturalized
Indigofera spicata Creeping indigo, Trailing indigo Not Native, Naturalized
Ipomoea sagittata Everglades morningglory Native
Iresine diffusa Juba’s bush, Bloodleaf Native
Iris savannarum Savanna iris, Prairie iris Native
Isoetes flaccida Florida quillwort Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Itea virginica Virginia-willow, Virginia sweetspire Native
Juncus effusus subsp. solutus Soft rush Native
Juncus marginatus Shore rush, Grassleaf rush Native
Juncus scirpoides Needlepod rush Native
Juniperus virginiana Red cedar Doubtfully Native
Justicia angusta Narrow-leaved waterwillow Native
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos Virginia saltmarsh mallow Native
Kummerowia striata Japanese clover Not Native, Naturalized
Lachnanthes caroliana Bloodroot, Carolina redroot Native
Lachnocaulon anceps Whitehead bogbutton Native
Lactuca floridana Woodland lettuce Native
Lactuca graminifolia Grassleaf lettuce Native
Landoltia punctata Dotted duckweed Not Native, Naturalized
Lantana camara Shrubverbena Not Native, Naturalized
Lechea torreyi Piedmont pinweed Native
Leersia hexandra Southern cutgrass Native
Lemna minor Recorded as Present in Error
Leonotis nepetifolia Lion's-ear, Chistmas candlestick Not Native, Naturalized
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fascicularis Bearded spangletop Native
Liatris gracilis Slender gayfeather, Blazing star Native
Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora Shortleaf gayfeather Native
Limnobium spongia Frog's-bit, American spongeplant Native
Limnophila sessiliflora Asian marshweed Not Native, Naturalized
Linaria canadensis Canada toadflax Native
Lindernia crustacea Malaysian false-pimpernel Not Native, Naturalized
Lindernia dubia Yellowseed false-pimpernel Native
Lindernia grandiflora Savannah false-pimpernel Native
Linum medium var. texanum Stiff yellow flax Native
Lipocarpha micrantha Smallflower halfchaff sedge Native
Lobelia feayana Bay lobelia Native
Lobelia homophylla Pineland lobelia Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Lobelia paludosa White lobelia Native
Ludwigia curtissii Curtiss's primrosewillow Native
Ludwigia lanceolata Lanceleaf primrosewillow Native
Ludwigia leptocarpa Anglestem primrosewillow Native
Ludwigia maritima Seaside primrosewillow Native
Ludwigia octovalvis Mexican primrosewillow Native
Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian primrosewillow Not Native, Naturalized
Ludwigia suffruticosa Shrubby primrosewillow Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Luziola fluitans Water grass, Southern watergrass Native
Lycopodiella appressa Southern club-moss Native
Lycopodiella cernua var. cernua Nodding club-moss Native
Lygodesmia aphylla Roserush Native
Lyonia ferruginea Rusty lyonia, Rusty staggerbush Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Lyonia lucida Fetterbush Native
Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum Winged loosestrife Native
Lythrum flagellare Florida loosestrife Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Macroptilium lathyroides Wild-bean, Wild bushbean Not Native, Naturalized
Matelea gonocarpos Angularfruit milkvine Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis Axilflower Native
Medicago sativa Alfalfa Not Native, Naturalized
Melanthera nivea Snow squarestem Native
Melochia spicata Bretonica peluda Native
Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber Native
Mentzelia floridana Poorman’s-patch, Stickleaf Native
Micranthemum glomeratum Manatee mudflower Native
Micranthemum umbrosum Shade mudflower Native
Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine Native
Mitreola petiolata Miterwort, Lax hornpod Native
Mitreola sessilifolia Mitrewort, Swamp hornpod Native
Morus rubra Red mulberry Native
Muhlenbergia schreberi Nimblewill muhly Doubtfully Native
Murdannia nudiflora Nakedstem dewflower Not Native, Naturalized
Murdannia spirata Asiatic dewflower Not Native, Naturalized
Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry Native
Myrsine cubana Myrsine, Colicwood Native
Najas guadalupensis Southern waternymph Native
Nama jamaicensis Jamaicanweed Native
Nelumbo lutea Yellow lotus, American lotus Native
Nephrolepis biserrata Giant sword fern Native
Nephrolepis exaltata Sword fern, Wild Boston fern Native
Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco, Cultivated tobacco Not Native, Naturalized
Nuphar lutea subsp. advena Spatterdock, Yellow Pondlily Native
Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis Cape blue waterlily Not Native, Naturalized
Nymphaea mexicana Yellow waterlily Native
Nymphaea odorata American white waterlily Native
Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Swamp black-gum Native
Oclemena reticulata Pinebarren aster, Whitetop aster Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Oenothera simulans Southern gaura, Southern beeblossum Native
Oldenlandia corymbosa Flattop mille graines Not Native, Naturalized
Oldenlandia uniflora Clustered mille graine Native
Orontium aquaticum Goldenclub, Neverwet Native
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal fern Native
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum Cinnamon fern Native
Oxalis corniculata Lady's-sorrel, Common yellow woodsorrel Native
Packera glabella Butterweed Native
Palafoxia feayi Feay’s palafox Native
Panicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowense Hairy fall panic grass Native
Panicum hians Gaping panicum Native
Panicum laxum Lax panic grass Not Native, Naturalized
Panicum repens Torpedo grass Not Native, Naturalized
Panicum rigidulum Redtop panicum Native
Parthenium hysterophorus Santa Maria, Santa Maria feverfew Not Native, Naturalized
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine Native
Paspalum acuminatum Brook crowngrass Not Native, Naturalized
Paspalum conjugatum Sour paspalum, Hilograss Native
Paspalum dissectum Mudbank crowngrass Possibly Extirpated Native
Paspalum floridanum Florida paspalum Native
Paspalum laeve Field paspalum Native
Paspalum notatum Bahia grass Not Native, Naturalized
Paspalum setaceum Thin paspalum Native
Passiflora suberosa Corkystem passionflower Native
Pectis glaucescens Tea-blinkum, Sanddune cinchweed Native
Pectis prostrata Spreading cinchweed Native
Peltandra virginica Green arum, Green arrow arum Native
Pennisetum purpureum Napier grass, Elephantgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Phaseolus polystachios var. sinuatus Thicket bean Presumed Extirpated Assumed to be Native
Phlebodium aureum Golden polypody Native
Phyla nodiflora Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Frogfruit Native
Physalis arenicola Cypresshead groundcherry Native
Physalis walteri Walter’s groundcherry Native
Phytolacca americana American pokeweed Native
Piloblephis rigida Wild pennyroyal Native
Pinguicula caerulea Blue butterwort, Blueflower butterwort Native
Pinguicula lutea Yellow butterwort Native
Pinus elliottii var. densa South Florida slash pine Native
Pinus palustris Longleaf pine Native
Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana Pitted stripeseed Native
Pisonia aculeata Devil’s claws, Pullback Native
Pistia stratiotes Water-lettuce Native
Pityopsis graminifolia Narrowleaf silkgrass Native
Pleopeltis polypodioides var. michauxiana Resurrection fern Native
Pluchea baccharis Rosy camphorweed Native
Pluchea odorata Sweetscent Native
Polygala balduinii Baldwin's milkwort Native
Polygala cruciata Drumheads Native
Polygala lutea Orange milkwort Native
Polygala nana Candyroot Native
Polygala polygama Racemed milkwort Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Polygala ramosa Low pinebarren milkwort Native
Polygala rugelii Big yellow milkwort Native
Polygala setacea Coastalplain milkwort Native
Polygala violacea Candyweed, Showy milkwort Native
Polygonella polygama var. brachystachya Thinleaf October flower Native
Polygonella polygama var. polygama Wideleaf October flower Native
Polygonella robusta Largeflower jointweed Native
Polygonum punctatum Dotted smartweed Native
Polygonum setaceum Bog smartweed Native
Polypremum procumbens Rustweed, Juniperleaf Native
Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed Native
Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois pondweed Native
Proserpinaca pectinata Mermaid weed, Combleaf mermaidweed Native
Pseudelephantopus spicatus Dogstongue Not Native, Naturalized
Psidium cattleianum Strawberry guava Not Native, Naturalized
Psidium guajava Guava Not Native, Naturalized
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot Native
Pteroglossaspis ecristata Giant orchid Native
Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock bishopsweed, Herbwilliam Native
Rhexia cubensis West Indian meadowbeauty Native
Rhexia mariana Pale meadowbeauty, Maryland meadowbeauty Native
Rhexia nashii Maid marian Native
Rhus copallinum Winged sumac Native
Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop Native
Rhynchospora divergens Spreading beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis Fascicled Beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora fernaldii Fernald's beaksedge Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Rhynchospora globularis Globe beak-rush Native
Rhynchospora intermedia Pinebarren beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora inundata Narrowfruit horned beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora latifolia Giant whitetop Native
Rhynchospora megalocarpa Sandyfield beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora nitens Shortbeak beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora plumosa Plumed beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora pusilla Fairy beaksedge Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Rhynchospora rariflora Fewflower beaksedge Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Rhynchospora tracyi Tracy’s beaksedge Native
Ricinus communis Castor-bean Not Native, Naturalized
Rivina humilis Rougeplant Native
Rotala ramosior Toothcup, Lowland rotala Native
Rubus cuneifolius Sand blackberry Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed susan Native
Sabal minor Dwarf palmetto, Bluestem palm Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated
Sabatia brevifolia Shortleaf rosegentian Native
Sabatia grandiflora Largeflower rosegentian Native
Sabatia stellaris Rose-of-Plymouth Native
Saccharum giganteum Sugarcane plumegrass Native
Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata Leafless beaked lady's-tresses Native
Sageretia minutiflora Buckthorn, Smallflower mock buckthorn Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Sagittaria filiformis Threadleaf arrowhead Native
Sagittaria graminea var. graminea Grassy arrowhead Native
Sagittaria isoetiformis Quillwort arrowhead Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Sagittaria latifolia Broadleaf arrowhead, common arrowhead, duck potato Native
Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain willow Native
Salvia misella Southern river sage, Creeping sage Native
Salvinia minima Water spangles Not Native, Naturalized
Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis Elderberry, American elder Native
Samolus valerandi subsp. parviflorus Pineland pimpernel, Seaside brookweed Native
Saururus cernuus Lizard’s tail Native
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian-pepper Not Native, Naturalized
Schoenoplectus pungens Sword-grass, Threesquare bulrush Native
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem bulrush Native
Scleria reticularis Netted nutrush Native
Scoparia dulcis Sweetbroom, Licoriceweed Native
Selaginella arenicola Sand spike-moss Native
Senna ligustrina Privet senna, Privet wild sensitive plant Native
Senna pendula var. glabrata Valamuerto Not Native, Naturalized
Serenoa repens Saw palmetto Native
Sericocarpus tortifolius Dixie aster, Whitetop aster Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated
Sesbania herbacea Danglepod Native
Setaria parviflora Knotroot foxtail, Yellow bristlegrass Native
Sida acuta Common wireweed, Common fanpetals Native
Sida rhombifolia Cuban jute, Indian hemp Native
Sisymbrium altissimum Tall tumblemustard Not Native, Naturalized
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Narrowleaf blueeyed-grass Native
Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier Native
Smilax bona-nox Saw greenbrier Native
Smilax laurifolia Catbrier, Laurel greenbrier, Bamboo vine Native
Smilax tamnoides Catbrier, Bristly greenbrier, Hogbrier Native
Solanum americanum Common nightshade, American black nightshade Native
Solanum capsicoides Cankerberry, Soda-apple, Cockroachberry Native
Solanum chenopodioides Black nightshade Native
Solanum torvum Turkeyberry Not Native, Naturalized
Solanum viarum Tropical soda-apple Not Native, Naturalized
Solidago fistulosa Pinebarren goldenrod Native
Solidago leavenworthii Leavenworth’s goldenrod Native
Solidago tortifolia Twistedleaf goldenrod Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Sorghastrum secundum Lopsided Indiangrass Native
Sorghum halepense Johnson grass Not Native, Naturalized
Spartina bakeri Sand cordgrass Native
Spermacoce remota Woodland false buttonweed Native
Spirodela polyrhiza Common duckweed Native
Sporobolus indicus Smut grass Not Native, Naturalized
Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustine grass Not Native, Naturalized
Stillingia sylvatica Queensdelight Native
Stipulicida setacea Pineland scalypink Native
Symphyotrichum bahamense Annual saltmarsh aster Native
Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice button aster, Bushy aster Native
Syngonanthus flavidulus Yellow hatpins Native
Taxodium distichum Bald cypress Native
Teucrium canadense Wood sage, Canadian germander Native
Thalia geniculata Alligatorflag, Fireflag Native
Thelypteris serrata Toothed lattice-vein fern Native
Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine Native
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant Native
Tillandsia recurvata Ball-moss Native
Tillandsia setacea Thin-leaved wild-pine, Southern needleleaf Native
Tillandsia simulata Florida airplant Native
Tillandsia usneoides Spanish-moss Native
Tillandsia utriculata Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant Native
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy Native
Trichostema dichotomum Forked bluecurls Native
Urena lobata Caesarweed Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa mutica Paragrass Not Native, Naturalized
Utricularia foliosa Leafy bladderwort Native
Utricularia inflata Floating bladderwort Native
Utricularia subulata Zigzag bladderwort Native
Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberry Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny blueberry Native
Vallisneria americana Tape-grass, American eel-grass Native
Verbascum virgatum Wand mullein Not Native, Naturalized
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard Native
Viburnum obovatum Small viburnum, Walter’s viburnum Native
Vicia acutifolia Sand vetch, Fourleaf vetch Native
Vigna luteola Cow-pea, Hairypod cowpea Native
Viola lanceolata Bog white violet Native
Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape Native
Vitis shuttleworthii Calusa grape Native
Warea carteri Carter’s pinelandcress Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated
Wolffiella lingulata Tongueshape mudmidget Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Wolffiella oblonga Bog-mat, Saber mudmidget Native
Woodwardia areolata Netted chain fern Native
Woodwardia virginica Virginia chain fern Native
Xyris brevifolia Shortleaf yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris caroliniana Carolina yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris elliottii Elliott's yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris platylepis Tall yelloweyed grass Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Xyris smalliana Small's yelloweyed grass Native
Yucca filamentosa Adam’s needle Native
Zamia integrifolia Coontie, Florida arrowroot Native
Zephyranthes simpsonii Rain-lily, Redmargin zephyrlily Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Zeuxine strateumatica Soldier's orchid, Lawn orchid Not Native, Naturalized
Zigadenus densus Crow-poison, Osceola's plume Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated