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There are 2582 taxa reported for South Florida.

Group By Family:
Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                

Scientific Name: Common Name: Native Status:
Macradenia lutescens Longgland orchid Native
Macroptilium atropurpureum Purple bushbean Not Native, Naturalized
Macroptilium lathyroides Wild-bean, Wild bushbean Not Native, Naturalized
Macrothelypteris torresiana Mariana maiden fern Not Native, Naturalized
Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia Not Native, Naturalized
Magnolia macrophylla Bigleaf magnolia Not Native, Cultivated Only
Magnolia virginiana Sweet-bay Native
Malachra alceifolia Yellow leafbract Not Native, Naturalized
Malachra capitata Malva de caballo Not Native, Naturalized
Malachra urens Roadside leafbract Native
Malaxis spicata Florida addersmouth orchid Native
Malpighia coccigera Miniature-holly Not Native, Cultivated Only
Malpighia emarginata Barbados-cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Malvastrum americanum Indian valley false mallow Waif, Native
Malvastrum corchorifolium False mallow Native
Malvastrum coromandelianum Threelobe false mallow Not Native, Naturalized
Malvaviscus arboreus Wax mallow Not Native, Naturalized
Malvaviscus penduliflorus Mazapan, Turkscap mallow Not Native, Naturalized
Mangifera indica Mango Not Native, Naturalized
Manihot esculenta Tapioca Not Native, Naturalized
Manilkara jaimiqui subsp. emarginata Wild dilly Native
Manilkara zapota Sapodilla Not Native, Naturalized
Maranta arundinacea Arrowroot, Obedience plant Not Native, Naturalized
Marshallia tenuifolia Barbara's-buttons, Grassleaf Barbara's button Native
Marsilea ancylopoda Blunt-spined water-clover Not Native, Naturalized
Matelea gonocarpos Angularfruit milkvine Native
Maurandya antirrhiniflora Roving sailor Not Native, Naturalized
Maxonia apiifolia Not Native, Cultivated Only
Maytenus phyllanthoides Florida mayten Native
Mazus pumilus Japanese mazus Not Native, Naturalized
Mecardonia acuminata subsp. peninsularis Axilflower Native
Mecardonia procumbens Baby jumpup Native
Medicago lupulina Black medic Not Native, Naturalized
Medicago polymorpha Burclover Not Native, Naturalized
Medicago sativa Alfalfa Not Native, Naturalized
Melaleuca bracteata River teatree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree Not Native, Naturalized
Melaleuca viminalis Weeping bottlebrush Not Native, Naturalized
Melanthera angustifolia Prairie blackanthers Native
Melanthera nivea Snow squarestem Native
Melanthera parvifolia Pineland blackanthers Native
Melastoma malabathricum Straits rhododendron, Malabar melastome Not Native, Naturalized
Melia azedarach Chinaberrytree Not Native, Naturalized
Melicoccus bijugatus Spanish lime Not Native, Naturalized
Melilotus albus White sweetclover Not Native, Naturalized
Melilotus indicus Indian sweetclover, Annual yellow sweetclover Not Native, Naturalized
Melinis minutiflora Molassesgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Melinis repens Rose Natalgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Melochia corchorifolia Chocolateweed Not Native, Naturalized
Melochia pyramidata Pyramidflower Native
Melochia spicata Bretonica peluda Native
Melochia tomentosa Woolly pyramidflower, Teabush, Broomwood, Grayleaf NR
Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber Native
Mentzelia floridana Poorman’s-patch, Stickleaf Native
Merremia aegyptia Hairy woodrose Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia cissoides Roadside woodrose Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia dissecta Baby woodrose, Noyauvine Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia quinquefolia Rock-rosemary Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia tuberosa Spanish arborvine, Yellow morningglory Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia umbellata Hogvine Not Native, Naturalized
Mesadenus lucayanus Florida Keys lady's-tresses Native
Metastelma blodgettii Blodgett’s swallowwort Native
Metastelma northropiae Vine milkweed, Fragrant swallowwort Native
Metopium toxiferum Poisonwood, Florida poisontree Native
Micranthemum glomeratum Manatee mudflower Native
Micranthemum umbrosum Shade mudflower Native
Microgramma heterophylla Climbing vine fern Native
Mikania cordifolia Florida Keys hempvine Native
Mikania micrantha Mile-a-minute Not Native, Naturalized
Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine Native
Millettia pinnata Karum tree, Poonga-oil tree Not Native, Naturalized
Mimosa pigra Black mimosa Not Native, Naturalized
Mimosa pudica Live and die, Sensitive plant, Shameplant Not Native, Naturalized
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata Sensitive brier Native
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. floridana Florida sensitive brier Native
Mimosa strigillosa Powderpuff, Sunshine mimosa, Herbceous mimosa Native
Mimusops coriacea Ausubo, Balata Not Native, Naturalized
Mimusops elengi Spanish-cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Mirabilis jalapa Four-o'clock, Marvel-of-Peru Not Native, Naturalized
Mitchella repens Partridgeberry, Twinberry Native
Mitracarpus hirtus Tropical girdlepod Not Native, Naturalized
Mitreola angustifolia Narrowleaf Hornpod Native
Mitreola petiolata Miterwort, Lax hornpod Native
Mitreola sessilifolia Mitrewort, Swamp hornpod Native
Modiola caroliniana Carolina bristlemallow Doubtfully Native
Mollugo verticillata Indian-chickweed, Green carpetweed Not Native, Naturalized
Momordica balsamina Southern balsampear Not Native, Naturalized
Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple, Balsampear Not Native, Naturalized
Monanthochloe littoralis Shoregrass, Keygrass Native
Monarda punctata Horsemint, Spotted beebalm Native
Monotropa uniflora Indianpipe Native
Monstera deliciosa Swiss-cheese plant, Cut-leaf philodendron Not Native, Naturalized
Monstera friedrichsthalii Not Native, Cultivated Only
Monstera obliqua Buckshot plant Not Native, Cultivated Only
Morinda citrifolia Indian mulberry Not Native, Naturalized
Morinda royoc Mouse’s pineapple, Redgal, Yellowroot Native
Moringa oleifera Horseradishtree Not Native, Naturalized
Morrenia odorata Latexplant Not Native, Naturalized
Morus alba White mulberry Not Native, Naturalized
Morus rubra Red mulberry Native
Mosiera longipes Longstalked-stopper Native
Mucuna pruriens Cowitch, Velvetbean Not Native, Naturalized
Mucuna sloanei Horseeye bean Assumed to be Native
Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhlygrass, Hairawn muhly Native
Muhlenbergia schreberi Nimblewill muhly Doubtfully Native
Muntingia calabura Strawberrytree Not Native, Naturalized
Murdannia nudiflora Nakedstem dewflower Not Native, Naturalized
Murdannia spirata Asiatic dewflower Not Native, Naturalized
Murraya paniculata Orange jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Musa acuminata Dwarf banana Not Native, Naturalized
Musa x paradisiaca Common banana Not Native, Naturalized
Myrcianthes fragrans Simpson’s stopper, Twinberry Native
Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry Native
Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrot's feather, Parrot feather watermilfoil Not Native, Naturalized
Myriophyllum heterophyllum Water milfoil, Twoleaf watermilfoil Native
Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian watermilfoil, Spike watermilfoil Not Native, Naturalized
Myriopus volubilis Twining soldierbush Native
Myrsine cubana Myrsine, Colicwood Native