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Municipios/Municipalities: Cabo Rojo
Latitude: 18.038295º Longitude: -67.205458º
Agencia Administradora/Managing Agency: Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico

Hemos ingresado datos para 252 tipos de plantas/We have entered data for 252 kinds of plants

Agrupar por Familia/Group By Family:  

Nombre Científico/
Scientific Name:
Estatus Introducido/
Introduced Status:
Estatus invasivo/
Invasive Status:
Estatus Cultivado/
Cultivated Status:
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Achyranthes aspera var. aspera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Achyranthes aspera var. aspera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Adelia ricinella
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Adelia ricinella
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Aloe vera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Aloe vera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Alternanthera sessilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Alternanthera sessilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Amphilophium lactiflorum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Amphilophium lactiflorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Amyris elemifera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Amyris elemifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Andira inermis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Andira inermis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Annona reticulata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Assumed to be Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Annona reticulata
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive Assumed to be Cultivated 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Annona squamosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Annona squamosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Anthurium crenatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Anthurium crenatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Antigonon leptopus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Antigonon leptopus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ardisia obovata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ardisia obovata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Argythamnia candicans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Argythamnia candicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Argythamnia fasciculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Argythamnia fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Asclepias curassavica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Avicennia germinans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Avicennia germinans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bacopa monnieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Batis maritima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Batis maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bidens cynapiifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bidens cynapiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bontia daphnoides
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bontia daphnoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bothriochloa pertusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bothriochloa pertusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bouchea prismatica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bouchea prismatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bourreria succulenta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bourreria succulenta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bromelia pinguin
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bromelia pinguin
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bunchosia glandulosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bunchosia glandulosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Bursera simaruba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Byrsonima spicata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Byrsonima spicata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Caesalpinia bonduc
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Caesalpinia bonduc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Calotropis procera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Calotropis procera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Canavalia rosea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Canavalia rosea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Canella winterana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Canella winterana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Capraria biflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Capraria biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Váucher/Voucher: 52347
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366 52347
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Casearia decandra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Casearia decandra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Casearia guianensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Casearia guianensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Catharanthus roseus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ceiba pentandra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ceiba pentandra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Celtis trinervia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Celtis trinervia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Centrosema virginianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cestrum citrifolium
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cestrum citrifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chiococca alba
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Chiococca alba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chloris barbata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Chloris barbata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Chromolaena odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cissus erosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cissus erosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cissus trifoliata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cissus trifoliata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Citharexylum spinosum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Citharexylum spinosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Clusia gundlachii
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Clusia gundlachii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Clusia rosea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Clusia rosea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Coccoloba diversifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Coccoloba diversifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Coccoloba microstachya
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Coccoloba microstachya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Coccoloba uvifera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Coccoloba uvifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Coccothrinax barbadensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Coccothrinax barbadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cocos nucifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Colubrina arborescens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Colubrina arborescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Commelina erecta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Commelina erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Comocladia glabra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Comocladia glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Conocarpus erectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Corchorus siliquosus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Corchorus siliquosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cordia laevigata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cordia laevigata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cordia rickseckeri
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cordia rickseckeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crescentia cujete
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Crescentia cujete
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crossopetalum rhacoma
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Crossopetalum rhacoma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crotalaria retusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Crotalaria retusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Croton betulinus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Croton betulinus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Croton flavens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Croton flavens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Croton humilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Croton humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cryptostegia madagascariensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cryptostegia madagascariensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cupania americana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cupania americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynodon nlemfuensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cynodon nlemfuensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynometra portoricensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cynometra portoricensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynophalla flexuosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cynophalla flexuosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynophalla hastata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cynophalla hastata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyperus ligularis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cyperus ligularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyperus nanus
Presencia/Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Cyperus nanus
Assumed to be Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dalechampia scandens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Dalechampia scandens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Datura inoxia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Assumed to be Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Datura inoxia
Present Assumed to be Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Delonix regia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Delonix regia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dendrophylax porrectus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Dendrophylax porrectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Desmanthus virgatus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Desmanthus virgatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Desmodium incanum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Desmodium incanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dichanthium annulatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Dichanthium annulatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dolichandra unguis-cati
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Dolichandra unguis-cati
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Doyerea emetocathartica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Doyerea emetocathartica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Eclipta prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eleocharis mutata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Eleocharis mutata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erithalis fruticosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Erithalis fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erythroxylum areolatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Erythroxylum areolatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erythroxylum brevipes
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Erythroxylum brevipes
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eugenia biflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Eugenia biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eugenia ligustrina
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Eugenia ligustrina
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eugenia monticola
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Eugenia monticola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia heterophylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Euphorbia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia serpens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Euphorbia serpens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia tithymaloides subsp. angustifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Euphorbia tithymaloides subsp. angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Exostema caribaeum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Exostema caribaeum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Exothea paniculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Exothea paniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ficus citrifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ficus citrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Fimbristylis cymosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Fimbristylis cymosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Fimbristylis ferruginea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Fimbristylis ferruginea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Furcraea tuberosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Furcraea tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Galactia dubia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Galactia dubia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gaussia attenuata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Gaussia attenuata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gossypium hirsutum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Gossypium hirsutum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gouania lupuloides
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Gouania lupuloides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Guaiacum officinale
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Guaiacum officinale
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Guapira fragrans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Guapira fragrans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Guazuma ulmifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Guazuma ulmifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gymnanthes lucida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Gymnanthes lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Haematoxylum campechianum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Haematoxylum campechianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Helicteres jamaicensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Helicteres jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Heliotropium angiospermum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Heliotropium angiospermum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Heteropterys purpurea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Heteropterys purpurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hohenbergia antillana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Hohenbergia antillana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hylocereus trigonus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Hylocereus trigonus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hyperbaena laurifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Hyperbaena laurifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jacquemontia pentanthos
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Jacquemontia pentanthos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jasminum fluminense
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Jasminum fluminense
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jatropha gossypiifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Jatropha gossypiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jatropha hernandiifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Jatropha hernandiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Kalanchoe pinnata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Kalanchoe pinnata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Kallstroemia maxima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Kallstroemia maxima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Krugiodendron ferreum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Krugiodendron ferreum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Laguncularia racemosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Laguncularia racemosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Lantana camara
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Lantana involucrata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Lantana involucrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Lasiacis divaricata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Lasiacis divaricata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Leucaena leucocephala
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Leucaena leucocephala
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Licaria parvifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Licaria parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Machaonia portoricensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Machaonia portoricensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Malachra capitata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Malachra capitata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Matelea maritima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Matelea maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Melia azedarach
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Melia azedarach
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Melicoccus bijugatus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Melicoccus bijugatus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Melinis repens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Melinis repens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Melochia pyramidata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Melochia pyramidata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica var. unijuga
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Mimosa pudica var. unijuga
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Muntingia calabura
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Muntingia calabura
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Myriopus volubilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Myriopus volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Nectandra patens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Nectandra patens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Neptunia oleracea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Neptunia oleracea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ocimum campechianum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ocimum campechianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Oeceoclades maculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Oeceoclades maculata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Opuntia antillana
Presencia/Occurrence: Reported
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Opuntia antillana
Reported 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Opuntia repens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Opuntia repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Opuntia stricta var. dillenii
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Opuntia stricta var. dillenii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Oxandra lanceolata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Oxandra lanceolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Panicum maximum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Panicum maximum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Parthenium hysterophorus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Parthenium hysterophorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Passiflora suberosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Passiflora suberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pavonia spinifex
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pavonia spinifex
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pentalinon luteum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pentalinon luteum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Peperomia humilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Peperomia humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Peperomia magnoliifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Peperomia magnoliifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Petiveria alliacea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Petiveria alliacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Phoradendron quadrangulare
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Phoradendron quadrangulare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Phyla nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Picramnia pentandra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Picramnia pentandra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pictetia aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pictetia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pilosocereus royenii
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pilosocereus royenii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Piscidia carthagenensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Piscidia carthagenensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pisonia aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pisonia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pisonia albida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pisonia albida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pithecellobium dulce
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pithecellobium dulce
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pithecellobium unguis-cati
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pithecellobium unguis-cati
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pluchea carolinensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pluchea carolinensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pluchea odorata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Pluchea odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Plumeria alba
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Plumeria alba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Poitea florida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Poitea florida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Poitea paucifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Poitea paucifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Porophyllum ruderale
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Porophyllum ruderale
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Portulaca oleracea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Doubtfully Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Portulaca oleracea
Present Doubtfully Native Assumed to be Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Portulaca quadrifida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Portulaca quadrifida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Prosopis juliflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Prosopis juliflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Psidium guajava
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Psychotria nervosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Psychotria nervosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Quadrella cynophallophora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Quadrella cynophallophora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rajania cordata var. cordata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rajania cordata var. cordata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Randia aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Randia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rauvolfia nitida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rauvolfia nitida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rauvolfia viridis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rauvolfia viridis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rhizophora mangle
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rhizophora mangle
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rivina humilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rivina humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rondeletia inermis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Rondeletia inermis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rotala ramosior
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Váucher/Voucher: 52347
Rotala ramosior
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366 52347
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ruellia blechum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ruellia blechum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ruellia tuberosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ruellia tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ruppia maritima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ruppia maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Samanea saman
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Samanea saman
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Samyda dodecandra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Samyda dodecandra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Savia sessiliflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Savia sessiliflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Schaefferia frutescens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Schaefferia frutescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Scleria lithosperma
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Scleria lithosperma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Senegalia westiana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Senegalia westiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Senna siamea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Senna siamea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Serjania polyphylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Serjania polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sesuvium portulacastrum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sesuvium portulacastrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sida acuta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sida acuta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sida repens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sida repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sida urens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sida urens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sideroxylon obovatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sideroxylon obovatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Smilax coriacea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Smilax coriacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Solanum bahamense
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Solanum bahamense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Solanum torvum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Solanum torvum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spermacoce ocymifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Spermacoce ocymifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sphagneticola trilobata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sphagneticola trilobata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spondias mombin
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Spondias mombin
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sporobolus indicus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Sporobolus indicus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stahlia monosperma
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Stahlia monosperma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stigmaphyllon emarginatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stigmaphyllon floribundum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Stigmaphyllon floribundum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stylosanthes hamata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Stylosanthes hamata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Swietenia macrophylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Swietenia macrophylla
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Swietenia mahagoni
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Swietenia mahagoni
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tabebuia heterophylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tabebuia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tamarindus indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tamarindus indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tamonea boxiana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tamonea boxiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tecoma stans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tecoma stans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tephrosia cinerea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tephrosia cinerea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Terminalia buceras
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Terminalia buceras
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Terminalia catappa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Thespesia populnea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Thespesia populnea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Thouinia striata var. striata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Thouinia striata var. striata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tillandsia fasciculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tillandsia fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tillandsia recurvata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tillandsia recurvata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tillandsia variabilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tillandsia variabilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tolumnia variegata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tolumnia variegata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tragia volubilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Tragia volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Trichilia hirta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Trichilia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Triumfetta semitriloba
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Triumfetta semitriloba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Turnera ulmifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Turnera ulmifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Urochloa arrecta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Urochloa arrecta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Doubtfully Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Assumed to be Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana
Present Doubtfully Native Assumed to be Introduced Assumed to be Invasive 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Vanilla barbellata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Vanilla barbellata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Varronia bullata subsp. humilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Váucher/Voucher: 52347
Varronia bullata subsp. humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366 52347
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Varronia portoricensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Varronia portoricensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Vitex divaricata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Vitex divaricata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Volkameria aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Volkameria aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Waltheria indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Waltheria indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Wissadula periplocifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Wissadula periplocifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Xylosma buxifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Xylosma buxifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zamia portoricensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Zamia portoricensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum flavum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Zanthoxylum flavum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum martinicense
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Zanthoxylum martinicense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum monophyllum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Zanthoxylum monophyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zapoteca portoricensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Zapoteca portoricensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ziziphus reticulata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52366
Ziziphus reticulata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52366

Vázquez, O.J, and D.A. Kolterman. 1998. Floristic composition and vegetation types of the Punta Guaniquilla Natural Reserve – Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 34(3-4):265-279.