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Tabebuia heterophylla
Prieto, Roble, Roble blanco, Roble de costa, Roble prieto, Roble de la mona, Roble de yugo / White cedar

Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA

Família/Family: Bignoniaceae

Grupo/Group: Dicotiledónea/Dicotyledon.

Forma de vida/Life form: Árbol/Tree

Duración de vida/Lifespan: Perenne/Perennial.

Sustrato/Substrate: Terrestre/Terrestrial.

Distribución nativa/Native range: Endémica de las Indias Occidentales (Antillas Menores, Antillas Mayores, Bahamas); cultivada y naturalizada en Sur de Florida y otras regiones. / Endemic to the West Indies (Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, Bahamas); cultivated and naturalized in South Florida and elsewhere.

Mapa de ubicaciones / Map of locations

Presencia/Occurence: Presente/Present.

Origen/Origin: Nativo/Native.

Historia y distribución/History and distribution: Un árbol de elevaciones bajas a medias. Principales regiones geográficas conforme a Axelrod (2011): Llanuras Costeras del Norte, Colinas Calizas del Norte (Bayamón, Toa Baja), Sierra de Luquillo, Costa Oriental, Sierra de Cayey, Faldas de Montaña del Sureste, Cordillera Central (Los Tres Picachos), Llanuras Costeras del Sur, Calizas Costeras del Sur, Llanuras Costeras del Suroeste, Vieques, Culebra, Mona. Áreas botánicamente únicas conforme a Axelrod (2011): Bosque Estatal de Río Abajo, Bosque Estatal de Maricao, Bosque Estatal de Guánica, Sierra Bermeja.
A tree from low to middle elevations. Major geographic regions following Axelrod (2011): Northern Coastal Lowlands, Northern Limestone Hills (Bayamón, Toa Baja), Sierra de Luquillo, Eastern Coast, Sierra de Cayey, Southeastern Foothills, Central Cordillera (Los Tres Picachos), Southern Coastal Lowlands, Southern Coastal Limestone, Southwestern Coastal Lowlands, Vieques, Culebra, Mona. Botanically unique areas following Axelrod (2011): Río Abajo State Forest, Maricao State Forest, Guánica State Forest, Sierra Bermeja.

Nombre científico con autores/Scientific name with authors: Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) Britton

Sinónimos/Synonyms: Raputia heterophylla DC., Tabebuia lucida Britton; Tabebuia pallida sensu Britton & Wilson, non (Lindl.) Miers.
Tenemos datos para Tabebuia heterophylla en las siguientes 15 áreas de conservación:
We have data for Tabebuia heterophylla for the following 15 conservation areas:
Presencia/Occurence: Origen/Origin:
Aguirre, Bosque Estatal, State Forest Present Native
Bahía de Jobos, Reserva Nacional de Investigación Estuarina/Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Present Native
Cambalache, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Carite, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
El Yunque, Bosque Nacional/National Forest Present Native
Guajataca, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Guánica, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Guilarte, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Maricao, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Piñones, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Punta Guaniquilla, Reserva Natural/Natural Reserve Present Native
Río Abajo, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Susúa, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Toro Negro, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Vega, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native

Elevaciones Bajas: < 500 m / Low Elevations: < 500 m
Elevaciones Medias: 500-1000 m / Middle elevations: 500-1000 m


Todas las Imgenes/All Images:
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 2015
Cultivated plants in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Tabebuia heterophylla
Copyright by: Marcos A. Caraballo-Ortiz; Agrandar.