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Ilex nitida var. repanda
Aceituna, Aceitunilla, Brigueta, Brigueta naranjo, Hueso prieto, Palo de murta

Ilex nitida
Copyright by: George D. Gann, 2010
Cultivated plant at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

Família/Family: Aquifoliaceae

Grupo/Group: Dicotiledónea/Dicotyledon.

Forma de vida/Life form: Arbusto/Shrub

Forma de vida 2 / Life form 2: T

Duración de vida/Lifespan: Perenne/Perennial.

Sustrato/Substrate: Terrestre/Terrestrial.

Distribución nativa/Native range: Endémica de las Indias Occidentales (Antillas Mayores, Bahamas). / Endemic to the West Indies (Greater Antilles, Bahamas).

Mapa de ubicaciones / Map of locations

Notas/Notes: González-Gutiérrez (2007) determined that the lectotype of I. riedlaei (Riedle s.n. P) belongs to I. nitida var. repanda. Recent uses of the names I. riedlaei and I. urbaniana var. riedlaei (e.g. Liogier 1994 [III: 17]), have been misapplied to small-leaved individuals of I. urbaniana growing on serpentine soils (González-Gutiérrez 2007, Axelrod 2011).

Presencia/Occurence: Presente/Present.

Origen/Origin: Nativo/Native.

Historia y distribución/History and distribution: Britton & Wilson (1924 [V(4): 513]), Liogier & Martorell (1982), Liogier (1994 [III: 17]) and Liogier & Martorell (2000) all reported I. nitida sensu stricto from Puerto Rico, not sensu lato as described by Axelrod (2011) since I. nitida var. repanda was known as a full species (I repanda) from other West Indian islands at that time. González-Gutiérrez (2007) determined that some plants from Puerto Rico were actually I. nitida var. repanda (e.g., specimens from Maricao State Forest and Susúa State Forest). Axelrod (2011) then stated that all plants from Puerto Rico were variety repanda, but this seems unlikely given that Puerto Rico is right in the middle of the range of the typical variety. The Flora of the West Indies (Acevedo-Rodríguez & Strong 2015) follows González-Gutiérrez and considers both taxa native to Puerto Rico, and they both have been collected in Maricao State Forest.

Nombre científico con autores/Scientific name with authors: Ilex nitida (Vahl) Maxim var. repanda (Griseb.) P.A. González

Sinónimos/Synonyms: Ilex repanda Griseb., Ilex riedlaei Loes., Ikex urbaniana Loes. var. riedlaei (Loes.) Edwin.
Tenemos datos para Ilex nitida var. repanda en las siguientes 6 áreas de conservación:
We have data for Ilex nitida var. repanda for the following 6 conservation areas:
Presencia/Occurence: Origen/Origin:
Cambalache, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Guajataca, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Maricao, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Río Abajo, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Susúa, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native
Toro Negro, Bosque Estatal/State Forest Present Native

Elevaciones Bajas: < 500 m / Low Elevations: < 500 m
Elevaciones Medias: 500-1000 m / Middle elevations: 500-1000 m
Elevaciones Altas: > 1000 m / High elevations: > 1000 m


Todas las Imágenes/All Images:
Ilex nitida
Copyright by: George D. Gann, 2010
Cultivated plant at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden