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Hay 3559 Tipos de Plantas en esta Base de Datos/
There are 3559 Kinds of Plants in this Database

Agrupar por Familia/
Group by Family:

Índice/Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nombre científico/
Scientific name:
Nombre común/Common name: Estatus Nativo/
Native Status:
Uniola virgata Lágrimas de San Pedro Native
Urena lobata Cadillo / Bur Native
Urena sinuata Cadillo, Cadillo pata de perro / Bur Native
Urera baccifera Ortiga brava Native
Urera caracasana Mal hombre, Ortiga colorada / Flameberry Native
Urera chlorocarpa Ortiga / Stinging nettle Native
Urochloa adspersa Cohitrillo, Millito / Brown top millet Native
Urochloa arrecta Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa brizantha Palisade grass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa decumbens Spreading liverseed grass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa distachya Tropical signalgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa fusca Browntop signalgrass Native
Urochloa humidicola Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa mollis
Urochloa mosambicensis African liverseed grass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa mutica Malojillo / Para grass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa plantaginea Plantain signalgrass Native
Urochloa platyphylla Broadleaf signalgrass
Urochloa reptans Alpiste cimarrón / Ten percent grass Not Native, Naturalized
Urochloa ruziziensis Palisade grass Not Native, Cultivated Only
Utricularia gibba Bladderwort Native
Utricularia guyanensis Bladderwort Assumed to be Native
Utricularia juncea Bladderwort Native
Utricularia pusilla Bladderwort Native
Utricularia subulata Grasilla / Zigzag bladderwort Native