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There are 2582 taxa reported for South Florida.

Group By Family:
Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                

Scientific Name: Common Name: Native Status:
Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat Not Native, Naturalized
Fatoua villosa Hairy crabweed Not Native, Naturalized
Ficus altissima Council tree Not Native, Naturalized
Ficus americana West Indian laurel fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig Native
Ficus benghalensis Banyan tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus benjamina Weeping fig Not Native, Naturalized
Ficus carica Common fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus citrifolia Short-leaf fig, Wild banyan tree Native
Ficus elastica India rubber-tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus lyrata Fiddleleaf fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel Not Native, Naturalized
Ficus microcarpa subps. fuyuensis Green Island Ficus Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus nekbudu Kaffir fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus nota Tibig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus pumila Creeping fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus religiosa Botree, Sacred fig Not Native, Naturalized
Ficus sycomorus Sycamore fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ficus ulmifolia Elm fig Not Native, Cultivated Only
Filicium decipiens Japanese fern tree Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis autumnalis Slender fimbry Native
Fimbristylis caroliniana Carolina fimbry Native
Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricane sedge, Hurricanegrass Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis dichotoma Forked fimbry Native
Fimbristylis littoralis Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis puberula Hairy fimbry Native
Fimbristylis schoenoides Ditch fimbry Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis spadicea Marsh fimbry Native
Flacourtia indica Governor's-plum Not Native, Naturalized
Flaveria bidentis Coastalplain yellowtops Not Native, Naturalized
Flaveria floridana Florida yellowtops Native
Flaveria linearis Narrowleaf yellowtops Native
Flaveria trinervia Annual yellowtops, Clustered yellowtops Native
Flueggea virosa Simpleleaf bushweed Not Native, Naturalized
Forestiera segregata Florida privet, Florida swampprivet Native
Fortunella margarita Oval kumquat, Nagami kumquat Not Native, Cultivated Only
Fraxinus caroliniana Water ash, Carolina ash, Pop ash Native
Froelichia floridana Cottonweed, Plains snakecotton Native
Fuirena breviseta Saltmarsh umbrellasedge Native
Fuirena pumila Dwarf umbrellasedge Native
Fuirena scirpoidea Southern umbrellasedge Native
Fuirena umbellata Yefen, Tropical Umbrellasedge Not Native, Naturalized
Fumaria officinalis Earthsmoke, Drug fumitory Not Native, Naturalized
Funastrum clausum Whitevine, White twinevine Native
Furcraea foetida Mauritius-hemp Not Native, Naturalized
Furcraea hexapetala Cuban-hemp Not Native, Cultivated Only
Furcraea selloa Wild sisal Not Native, Naturalized