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Coastal Strand

There are 245 taxa reported for the Coastal Strand habitat.

A short description of the Coastal Strand community from The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) is “stabilized coastal dune with sand substrate; xeric; peninsula; rare fire; marine influence; primarily dense shrubs; saw palmetto in temperate coastal strand or seagrape and/or saw palmetto in tropical coastal strand.” A full description can be found in FNAI's 2010 Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida.
Scientific Name: Common Name: South Florida Native Status:
Abrus precatorius Rosary-pea, Crab-eyes Not Native, Naturalized
Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia Not Native, Naturalized
Agave americana Century plant Not Native, Naturalized
Agave decipiens False-sisal Native
Agave sisalana Sisal-hemp Not Native, Naturalized
Albizia lebbeck Woman’s tongue, Rattlepod Not Native, Naturalized
Alternanthera flavescens Yellow joyweed Native
Alternanthera maritima Seaside joyweed Native
Amaranthus floridanus Florida amaranth Native
Ambrosia hispida Beach ragweed, Coastal ragweed Native
Amorpha fruticosa Bastard indigobush, False indigobush Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus Common bushy bluestem Native
Ardisia escallonioides Marlberry Native
Aristida purpurascens Arrowfeather threeawn Native
Asclepias curassavica Scarlet milkweed, Bloodflower Not Native, Naturalized
Asparagus aethiopicus Sprenger’s asparagus-fern Not Native, Naturalized
Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling Native
Baccharis halimifolia Saltbush, Groundsel tree, Sea-myrtle Native
Bidens alba var. radiata Spanish-needles Native
Bischofia javanica Javanese bishopwood Not Native, Naturalized
Blutaparon vermiculare Samphire, Silverhead Native
Buchnera americana American bluehearts Native
Bursera simaruba Gumbo-limbo Native
Caesalpinia bonduc Gray nicker-bean Native
Cakile lanceolata Coastal searocket Native
Canavalia rosea Beach-bean, Baybean, Seaside jackbean Native
Capraria biflora Goatweed Native
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum Bird pepper, Cayenne pepper Native
Carica papaya Papaya Native
Casasia clusiifolia Sevenyear-apple Native
Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil’s gut Native
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina Not Native, Naturalized
Catesbaea parviflora Smallflower lilythorn Native
Cenchrus echinatus Southern sandbur Native
Cenchrus incertus Coastal sandbur Native
Cenchrus tribuloides Sanddune sandbur Native
Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea Native
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera Hairy sensitive-pea, Hairy partridge-pea Native
Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea Not Native, Naturalized
Chiococca alba Common snowberry, Milkberry Native
Chromolaena odorata Jack-in-the-bush Native
Chrysobalanus icaco Coco-plum Native
Cirsium horridulum Purple thistle Native
Cissus trifoliata Marinevine, Sorrelvine Native
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata Possum-grape, Seasonvine Native
Citharexylum spinosum Florida fiddlewood Native
Clerodendrum chinense Stickbush Not Native, Naturalized
Cnidoscolus stimulosus Tread-softly, Finger-rot, 7-minute-itch Native
Coccoloba uvifera Seagrape Native
Coccothrinax argentata Florida silver palm Native
Cocos nucifera Coconut palm Not Native, Naturalized
Colubrina asiatica Latherleaf, Asian nakedwood Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina erecta Whitemouth dayflower Native
Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood Native
Crinum asiaticum Poison bulb Not Native, Naturalized
Crossopetalum rhacoma Rhacoma, Maidenberry Native
Crotalaria pumila Low rattlebox Native
Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells Native
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis Vente conmigo Native
Croton glandulosus var. floridanus Florida vente conmigo Native
Croton linearis Pineland croton, Grannybush Native
Croton punctatus Beach-tea, Gulf croton Native
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood Not Native, Naturalized
Cuscuta pentagona Fiveangled dodder Native
Cuscuta umbellata Flatglobe dodder Native
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon Bermuda grass Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus ligularis Swamp flatsedge Native
Cyperus planifolius Flatleaf flatsedge Native
Cyperus tetragonus Fourangle flatsedge Native
Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crow's-foot grass, Durban crowfootgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Coinvine Native
Dalea floridana Florida prairieclover Native
Dichondra carolinensis Pony-foot, Carolina ponysfoot Native
Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla Caribbean crabgrass Native
Diodia teres Poor joe, Rough buttonweed Native
Diospyros virginiana Persimmon, Common persimmon Native
Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia Narrow varnishleaf Native
Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa Varnishleaf, Florida hopbush Native
Echites umbellatus Devil’s-potato, Rubbervine Native
Eleusine indica Indian goose grass Not Native, Naturalized
Emilia fosbergii Florida tasselflower Not Native, Naturalized
Emilia sonchifolia Lilac tassleflower Not Native, Naturalized
Eragrostis elliottii Elliott’s love grass Native
Erithalis fruticosa Blacktorch Native
Ernodea littoralis Beach-creeper, Golden-creeper, Coughbush Native
Erythrina herbacea Coralbean, Cherokee bean Native
Eugenia axillaris White stopper Native
Eugenia foetida Spanish stopper, Boxleaf stopper Native
Eugenia uniflora Surinam-cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Euphorbia blodgettii Limestone sandmat Native
Euphorbia cumulicola Sand-dune spurge, Coastal dune sandmat Native
Euphorbia cyathophora Paintedleaf, Fire-on-the-mountain Native
Euphorbia maculata Milk-purslane, Spotted sandmat Native
Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia Seaside spurge, Coastal beach sandmat Native
Euphorbia trichotoma Sanddune spurge Native
Eustachys petraea Common fingergrass, Pinewoods fingergrass Native
Eustoma exaltatum Marsh gentian, Seaside gentian, Catchfly prairie-gentian Native
Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig Native
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel Not Native, Naturalized
Fimbristylis caroliniana Carolina fimbry Native
Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricane sedge, Hurricanegrass Not Native, Naturalized
Flaveria floridana Florida yellowtops Native
Flaveria linearis Narrowleaf yellowtops Native
Forestiera segregata Florida privet, Florida swampprivet Native
Furcraea foetida Mauritius-hemp Not Native, Naturalized
Galactia striata Florida hammock milkpea Native
Galactia volubilis Downy milkpea Native
Galium bermudense Coastal bedstraw Native
Glandularia maritima Beach verbena, Coastal mock vervain Native
Guapira discolor Blolly, Beeftree Native
Helianthus annuus Annual sunflower, Common sunflower Not Native, Naturalized
Helianthus debilis subsp. vestitus West Coast dune sunflower Native
Helianthus debilis subsp. debilis East Coast dune sunflower Native
Heliotropium angiospermum Scorpionstail Native
Heliotropium curassavicum Seaside heliotrope, Salt heliotrope Native
Heliotropium polyphyllum Pineland heliotrope Native
Herissantia crispa Bladdermallow Native
Heterotheca subaxillaris Camphorweed Native
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Garden rosemallow, Shoe-back-plant Not Native, Naturalized
Hibiscus tiliaceus var. tiliaceus Seaside mahoe, Sea hibiscus, mahoe Not Native, Naturalized
Hymenocallis latifolia Mangrove spiderlily, Perfumed spiderlily Native
Indigofera suffruticosa Shrub indigo Not Native, Naturalized
Ipomoea alba Common moonflowers, Moonflowers Native
Ipomoea imperati Beach morningglory Native
Ipomoea indica Ocean-blue morningglory Native
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis Railroad vine, Bayhops Native
Ipomoea violacea Coastal morningglory Native
Iresine diffusa Juba’s bush, Bloodleaf Native
Iva imbricata Beach-elder, Seacoast marshelder Native
Jacquemontia reclinata Beach clustervine, Beach Jacquemontia Native
Jacquinia keyensis Joewood Native
Kalanchoe pinnata Common liveleaf, Cathedral bells, Life plant Not Native, Naturalized
Lantana camara Shrubverbena Not Native, Naturalized
Lantana camara x depressa Hybrid shrubverbena Not Native, Naturalized
Lantana depressa var. floridana East coast lantana, Florida shrubverbena Native
Lantana depressa var. sanibelensis West coast lantana, Sanibel shrubverbena Native
Lantana involucrata Wild-sage, Buttonsage Native
Leucaena leucocephala White leadtree Not Native, Naturalized
Licania michauxii Gopher-apple Native
Macroptilium lathyroides Wild-bean, Wild bushbean Not Native, Naturalized
Melanthera nivea Snow squarestem Native
Melinis repens Rose Natalgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber Native
Mentzelia floridana Poorman’s-patch, Stickleaf Native
Metastelma northropiae Vine milkweed, Fragrant swallowwort Native
Metopium toxiferum Poisonwood, Florida poisontree Native
Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine Native
Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple, Balsampear Not Native, Naturalized
Monarda punctata Horsemint, Spotted beebalm Native
Morinda royoc Mouse’s pineapple, Redgal, Yellowroot Native
Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhlygrass, Hairawn muhly Native
Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry Native
Myrsine cubana Myrsine, Colicwood Native
Neptunia pubescens Tropical-puff Native
Neyraudia reynaudiana Burmareed, Silkreed Not Native, Naturalized
Oenothera humifusa Seaside evening-primrose Native
Oenothera simulans Southern gaura, Southern beeblossum Native
Okenia hypogaea Beach-peanut, Burrowing four-o’clock Native
Opuntia stricta Erect pricklypear Native
Panicum amarum Beachgrass, Bitter panicgrass, Bitter panicum Native
Panicum repens Torpedo grass Not Native, Naturalized
Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Native
Parietaria floridana Florida pellitory Native
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine Native
Paspalum setaceum Thin paspalum Native
Paspalum vaginatum Seashore paspalum Native
Passiflora suberosa Corkystem passionflower Native
Pectis glaucescens Tea-blinkum, Sanddune cinchweed Native
Pentalinon luteum Wild-allamanda, Hammock viperstail Native
Phyla nodiflora Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Frogfruit Native
Phyllanthus abnormis Drummond’s leafflower Native
Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp. saxicola Rock Carolina leafflower Native
Physalis angustifolia Coastal groundcherry Native
Physalis walteri Walter’s groundcherry Native
Phytolacca americana American pokeweed Native
Pilea microphylla Artillery plant, Rockweed Native
Piriqueta cistoides subsp. caroliniana Pitted stripeseed Native
Pithecellobium dulce Manila-tamarind, Monkey pod Not Native, Naturalized
Pithecellobium keyense Florida Keys blackbead Native
Pithecellobium unguis-cati Cat’s-claw, Catclaw blackbead Native
Pityopsis graminifolia Narrowleaf silkgrass Native
Pluchea carolinensis Cure-for-all Not Native, Naturalized
Plumbago zeylanica Wild plumbago, Doctorbush, Florida plumbago, White plumbago Native
Polygala violacea Candyweed, Showy milkwort Native
Polypremum procumbens Rustweed, Juniperleaf Native
Portulaca oleracea Purslane, Little hogweed Doubtfully Native
Portulaca pilosa Pink purslane, Kiss-me-quick Native
Portulaca rubricaulis Stalked purslane, Redstem purslane Native
Psychotria nervosa Shiny-leaved wild coffee Native
Pteridium caudatum Lacy bracken fern Native
Randia aculeata White indigoberry Native
Reynosia septentrionalis Darlingplum Native
Rhus copallinum Winged sumac Native
Ricinus communis Castor-bean Not Native, Naturalized
Rivina humilis Rougeplant Native
Sabal palmetto Cabbage palm Native
Salvia coccinea Tropical sage, Scarlet sage, Blood sage Native
Sansevieria hyacinthoides Bowstring-hemp, Mother-in-laws tongue, Snake plant Not Native, Naturalized
Scaevola plumieri Inkberry, Beachberry, Gullfeed Native
Scaevola taccada Beach naupaka Not Native, Naturalized
Schefflera actinophylla Australian umbrellatree Not Native, Naturalized
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian-pepper Not Native, Naturalized
Schizachyrium sanguineum Crimson bluestem Native
Scoparia dulcis Sweetbroom, Licoriceweed Native
Senna pendula var. glabrata Valamuerto Not Native, Naturalized
Serenoa repens Saw palmetto Native
Sesuvium portulacastrum Perennial sea-purslane, Shoreline seapurslane Native
Setaria macrosperma Coastal foxtail, Coral bristlegrass Native
Setaria parviflora Knotroot foxtail, Yellow bristlegrass Native
Seutera angustifolia Vine milkweed, Gulf Coast swallowwort Native
Sideroxylon celastrinum Saffronplum Native
Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier Native
Smilax havanensis Havana greenbrier, Everglades greenbrier Native
Solanum americanum Common nightshade, American black nightshade Native
Solanum bahamense Bahama nightshade Native
Solanum erianthum Potatotree Native
Solidago sempervirens Seaside goldenrod Native
Solidago stricta Wand goldenrod Native
Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis Hairy necklacepod Not Native, Naturalized
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata Yellow necklacepod Native
Spartina patens Marshhay cordgrass, Saltmeadow cordgrass Native
Sphagneticola trilobata Creeping wedelia, Creeping oxeye Not Native, Naturalized
Sporobolus domingensis Coral dropseed Native
Sporobolus pyramidalis West Indian dropseed Not Native, Naturalized
Sporobolus virginicus Seashore dropseed Native
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans Diamond flowers Native
Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustine grass Not Native, Naturalized
Suaeda linearis Sea-blite, Annual seepweed Native
Suriana maritima Baycedar Native
Tephrosia curtissii Curtiss’ hoarypea Native
Terminalia catappa Tropical-almond, West Indian-almond Not Native, Naturalized
Thespesia populnea Portiatree Not Native, Naturalized
Tournefortia gnaphalodes Sea-lavender, Sea-rosemary Native
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy Native
Trichostema dichotomum Forked bluecurls Native
Triplasis purpurea Purple sandgrass Native
Uniola paniculata Sea-oats Native
Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana Sweet acacia Native
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard Native
Vigna adenantha Wild pea Not Native, Naturalized
Vigna luteola Cow-pea, Hairypod cowpea Native
Vitex trifolia Simpleleaf chastetree Not Native, Naturalized
Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape Native
Yucca aloifolia Spanish-bayonet, Aloe yucca Native