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Floristic Inventory of the Florida Keys Database Online

Rhynchospora colorata (L.) H. Pfeiff.
Starrush whitetop

Rhynchospora colorata
Copyright by: Roger L. Hammer

Family: Cyperaceae

Group: Monocot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Herb

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: Bermuda, Southeastern United States, the West Indies, Mexico, Central America and South America.


Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: Visit our Natives For Your Neighborhood website for more information and images. See a 2019 post on the Treasure Coast Natives blog on how this sedge changes throughout the day in order to attract insect pollinators.

Synonyms: Dichromena colorata.

FLORIDA KEYS Occurrence: Present

FLORIDA KEYS Native Status: Native

IRC FLORIDA KEYS Status: Imperiled

Map of select IRC data for the Florida Keys

Florida Keys History and Distribution: Reported in 1913 by John Kunkel Small for low pinelands and open sandy places in the lower Keys.  We consider this native and extant in the lower Keys.

Synonym: Dichromena colorata.

Other data on Rhynchospora colorata available from :

Rhynchospora colorata has been reported from the following 5 conservation areas in the FLORIDA KEYS :
Occurrence Native Status
Bahia Honda State Park Present Native
Big Torch Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Native
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Reported
Middle Torch Hammocks Parcel 3063, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Native
National Key Deer Refuge Present Native

Rhynchospora colorata has been reported for the following 6 habitats in THE FLORIDA KEYS :
Coastal Interdunal Swale
Disturbed Upland
Disturbed Wetland
Pine Rockland
Salt Marsh

All Images:

Rhynchospora colorata
Copyright by: Roger L. Hammer

Rhynchospora colorata
Copyright by: Shirley Denton

Rhynchospora colorata
Copyright by: Shirley Denton