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Floristic Inventory of the Bahama Archipelago Database Online

Metastelma sigmoideum (Correll) Acev.-Rodr.

Family: Apocynaceae

Group: Dicot

Perennation: Perennial

Habit: Vine

Substrate: Terrestrial

Native Status: Native

Preliminary IRC Status: Imperiled

Native Range: Endemic to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (accepted as endemic by Freid et al. 2014).

Map of Locations [currently Florida only]

History in the Bahamas: Not listed in Britton & Millspaugh (1920). Reported by Correll & Correll (1982: 528-529, 1157-1158, with illustrations) for whitelands and rocky soils in the northwestern Commonwealth (regions 10-9). Described from plants from Bimini by Donovan Correll (J. Arnold Arbor. 58: 43. 1977.). Limited to the Grand Bahama and Bimini regions according to Freid et al. (2014).

Synonyms: Cynanchum sigmoideum; Metastelma hamatum of Britton & Millspaugh (1920), in part, not Griseb.

Other data on Metastelma sigmoideum available from :

Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants
Metastelma sigmoideum has been reported for the following habitat in Bahama Archipelago :