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Terminalia molinetii M. Gómez
Spiny black-olive

Terminalia molinetii
Copyright by: Karolina Weclawska
cultivated plant in South Florida

Family: Combretaceae

Group: Dicot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Tree

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: South Florida, the West Indies, Mexico (Quintana Roo) and Central America (Belize).

Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida


SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native, Extirpated then Reintroduced

South Florida History and Distribution: Ranked as possibly extirpated in Rare Plants of South Florida (Gann et al. 2002; pp 125-127) based on a single historical occurrence near the Turkey Point Power plant east of Homestead in Miami-Dade County. While there have been reports of a wild population from that area, none have been verified. However, this species has been in widespread cultivation in South Florida since at least the early 1960s, and has naturalized well outside of its historical range, as far north as islands in Lake Worth in Palm Beach County.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: See also Rare Plants of South Florida (Gann, Bradley & Woodmansee 2002, p. 125).

Synonyms: Bucida molinetii (M. Gómez) Alwan & Stace, Bucida spinosa (Northr.) Jenn.

Other data on Terminalia molinetii available from :

Terminalia molinetii has been found in the following conservation area :
Occurrence Native Status
Everglades National Park Present Not Native, Cultivated Only

Terminalia molinetii has been found in the following 2 counties :
Occurrence Native Status
Lee County Not Native, Cultivated Only
Miami-Dade County Native, presumed Extirpated, now Cultivated Only

All Images:

Terminalia molinetii
Copyright by: Karolina Weclawska
cultivated plant in South Florida
Terminalia molinetii
Copyright by: Karolina Weclawska
cultivated plant in South Florida
Terminalia molinetii
Copyright by: Karolina Weclawska
cultivated plant in South Florida
Terminalia molinetii
Copyright by: Karolina Weclawska
cultivated plant in South Florida