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Lantana depressa Small var. floridana
(Moldenke) R.W. Sanders
East coast lantana, Florida shrubverbena

Lantana depressa
Copyright by: Jay Horn via iNaturalist

Family: Verbenaceae

Group: Dicot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Shrub

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: Endemic to eastern peninsular Florida.

Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida

NatureServe Global Status: G2T2

State of Florida Status: Endangered

Florida Natural Areas Inventory State Status: Critically Imperiled

IRC SOUTH FLORIDA Status: Critically Imperiled

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: For a specimen image of an early hybrid between this and the exotic L. camara, visit the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Virtual Herbarium.

The Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants treats this as a synonym of the exotic, L. camara. We disagree.

Visit our Natives For Your Neighborhood website for more information.

Other data on Lantana depressa var. floridana available from :

Lantana depressa var. floridana has been found in the following 13 conservation areas :
Occurrence Native Status
Atlantic Dunes Park Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated
Big Cypress National Preserve Recorded as Present in Error
Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Present Native
County Line Scrub, Miami-Dade County Present Native
Crandon Park Present Native
Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area Present Native
Hollywood North Beach Regional Park Present Native
Hugh Taylor Birch State Park Doubtfully Present
Juno Dunes Natural Area Present Native
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Rocky Point Hammock Present Native
South Beach Park Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Virginia Key Beach Park and Marine Stadium Present Native

Lantana depressa var. floridana has been found in the following 3 counties :
Occurrence Native Status
Broward County Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated
Martin County Native
Palm Beach County Native

Lantana depressa var. floridana has been found in the following 3 habitats :
Coastal Strand
Scrubby Flatwoods
Xeric Hammock

All Images:

Lantana depressa
Copyright by: Jay Horn via iNaturalist
Lantana depressa
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 18 March 2015
Virginia Key and Marine Stadium, Miami-Dade County
Lantana depressa
Copyright by: Keith J. Buttry, 18 March 2015
Virginia Key and Marine Stadium, Miami-Dade County