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Colubrina cubensis (Jacq.) Brongn. var. floridana
M.C. Johnst.
Florida snake-bark, Cuban nakedwood

Colubrina cubensis
Copyright by: Roger L. Hammer

Family: Rhamnaceae

Group: Dicot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Tree

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: South Florida and the West Indies (Bahamas).

Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida

NatureServe Global Status: Critically Imperiled

State of Florida Status: Endangered

Florida Natural Areas Inventory State Status: Critically Imperiled

IRC SOUTH FLORIDA Status: Critically Imperiled

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Native

South Florida History and Distribution: Ranked as Imperiled in Rare Plants of South Florida (Gann, Bradley & Woodmansee 2002), this was re-ranked as Critically Imperiled using updated NatureServe criteria in 2020.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: In South Florida, known from southern Miami-Dade County and from one collection on Key Largo made in 1961 (Craighead s.n., USF).

See also Florida Natural Areas Inventory's Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Florida page (Chafin 2000). Visit our Natives For Your Neighborhood website for more information and images.

Other data on Colubrina cubensis var. floridana available from :

Colubrina cubensis var. floridana has been found in the following 6 conservation areas :
Occurrence Native Status
Camp Owaissa Bauer Present Native
Castellow Hammock Park Possibly Extirpated Native
Everglades National Park Present Native
Fuchs Hammock Preserve Present Native
Hattie Bauer Hammock Present Native
Meissner Hammock Possibly Extirpated Native

Colubrina cubensis var. floridana has been found in the following 2 counties :
Occurrence Native Status
Miami-Dade County Native
Monroe County (Keys) Presumed Extirpated Presumed Extirpated

Colubrina cubensis var. floridana has been found in the following 2 habitats :
Pine Rockland
Rockland Hammock

All Images:

Colubrina cubensis
Copyright by: Roger L. Hammer
Colubrina cubensis
Copyright by: Keith A. Bradley
Colubrina cubensis
Copyright by: George D. Gann
 The Floristic Inventory of South Florida