General Landscape Uses:
Groundcover in open, dry areas; wildflower in pine rocklands.
Ecological Restoration Notes: The gene pool of this species has been contaminted through hybridization with the exotic
Lantana camara. Pure populations could theoretically be restored in pine rocklands in Miami-Dade County.
Available at native plant nurseries in central Florida. Available in Naples at
Everglades Native Designs.
Description: Small shrub or woody groundcover.
Dimensions: 1-2 feet; broader than tall.
Growth Rate: Moderate.
Endemic to pine rocklands in southern Miami-Dade County.
Map of select IRC data from peninsular Florida.
Habitats: Pine rocklands.
Soils: Moist, well-drained limestone soils, without humus.
Nutritional Requirements: Low; it grows in nutrient poor soils.
Salt Water Tolerance: Low; does not tolerate flooding by salt or brackish water.
Salt Wind Tolerance: Low; salt wind may burn the leaves.
Drought Tolerance: High; does not require any supplemental water once established.
Light Requirements: Full sun.
Flower Color: Yellow.
Flower Characteristics: Showy.
Flowering Season: All year.
Fruit: Drupe.
Wildlife and Ecology: Nectar plant for butterflies and moths; provides food for birds.
Horticultural Notes: Can be grown from seed, but these may be genetically contaminated.
References: Miami-Dade County Landscape Manual
Comments: See also Florida Natural Areas Inventory's
Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Florida page (Chafin 2000).