Natives For Your Neighborhood is a labor of love and commitment. If you use this website, help us maintain and grow it with your tax-deductible donation.



Originally designed for South Florida (counties from Lake Okeechobee southward), NFYN is now moving north with the aspiration of serving all of the state of Florida by 2020. Where complete, a list of the cultivated native plants that commonly occur throughout that each county will be provided. If you'd like to obtain information specific to your home or project site, please enter the 5-digit ZIP code of your area on the NFYN Home Page.


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Acknowledgements and past sponsors

Become a sponsor!

Major Sponsor:

Emergent Sponsors:

Canopy Sponsors:
Herbaceous Sponsors:

Jay Bird - @BotanizingBirdingButterflies

Florida Native Plant Nursery