Common Grackle
Quiscalus quiscula

A medium-sized bird measuring up to 13 inches in length. A long, wedge-shaped tail and iridescent black all over.
Breeds and winters in estern North America.
Distribution and Abundance in Florida:
Open areas such as swamps, marshes, lawns, parks, and fields.
1 to 7 pale blue eggs with black markings are laid in a stick nest placed in a bush or tree. Some nest in colonies.
Natural History:
This species commonly engages in anting, allowing ants to crawl on its body and secrete formic acid, possibly to rid the body of parasites.
This species feeds on insects, grain, seeds, acorns, fruit, and small fish, birds, mamals, and amphibians.
Can be found in South Florida year round.

Joe Montes de Oca
Beryn Harty, 2022.
Joe Montes de Oca
Joe Montes de Oca