Gray Catbird
Dumetella carolinensis
Description: |
A small bird measuring up to 9 inches in length. Gray all over with a black cap. |
Range: |
Breeds in North America and winters in southestern Noth America, Central America, and the West Indies. |
Distribution and Abundance in Florida: |
Habitat(s): |
Dense, shrubby thickets such as roadsides, residential areas,and forest edges. |
Reproduction: |
1 to 5 turquoise eggs are laid in a nest of twigs placed in dense shrubs. |
Natural History: |
Although the nests of this species are frequently parasitized by the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), this species throws most of them out fo its nest. |
Food: |
This species feeds on insects and small fruits. |
Comments: |
Can be found in South Florida during the winter months only. |
Synonyms: |