Cooper's Hawk
Accipiter cooperii

A medium-sized bird measuring up to 20 inches in length with a 28 inch wingspan. Adult is slate gray above, dark cap, and rusted below. Immiature is brown above and whitish below, with fine streaks. Tail is rounded.
Breeds from North America to central Mexico and winters from the United States to Central America.
Distribution and Abundance in Florida:
Mixed forests and open woodlands.
4 or 5 dull-white eggs are laid on a platform of sticks and twigs, usually more than 20 feet off the ground.
Natural History:
This species feeds on small birds, mammals, and reptiles.
Can be found in South Florida during the winter months only. This species is listed as threatened or of special concern in a number of states.

Joe Montes de Oca
Beryn Harty, 2022.
Beryn Harty, 2022.
Joe Montes de Oca