Longleaf milkweed
Asclepias longifolia
Landscape Uses:
Ecological Restoration Notes: |
A rare and scattered herb in pinelands. |
Availability: |
Apparently not cultivated in Florida. |
Description: |
Height: |
Growth Rate: |
Range: |
Eastern and southeastern United States. |
Habitats: |
Pinelands and prairies. |
Soils: |
Nutritional Requirements: |
Salt Water Tolerance: |
Salt Wind Tolerance: |
Drought Tolerance: |
Light Requirements: |
Flower Color: |
Flower Characteristics: |
Flowering Season: |
Fruit: |
Wildlife and Ecology: |
Larval host plant for monarch (Danaus plexippus) butterflies |
Horticultural Notes: |
Comments: |
See also the Florida Wildflower Foundation's Flower Friday page. |
Lilly Anderson-Messec via her Instagram account @lilliumbyrd.